

Best Answer

Yes. They are one of the best type of reptile for starters. Just make sure you have a 15 + gal terrarium. They are calm with good care and like to be handled. Some Long Tailed Lizards are fast and agile, So they won't want to be handled much. They are most active at day and restful at night. So do your homework and get one that fits your personality!

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Q: Are long tailed lizards easy to care for?
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Related questions

Do long tailed lizards bite?

Lizards never bite.

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Can two long tailed lizards be together?

no they would fight all the time

How Big do long tailed lizards grow?

it grows up to 8 feet

Can crested gechos live with long tailed lizards?

No, it is strongly recommended to not keep separate species together.

Will a long tailed grass lizard grow its tail back if lost?

Yes, long-tailed grass lizards have the ability to regenerate their tails if they are lost or injured. The new tail may not be as long as the original one and may look slightly different in appearance. This is a common defense mechanism in many lizard species.

What types of pet lizards can live together?

long tailed lizards, green anoles, and house geckos get along fine (don't put a knight anole in very aggressive

Which would make better pets-4 long-tailed lizards or 1 leopard gecko?

I would say 4 long tailed lizards would make a better pet that one gecko partly because there are more of them so they might do funny things with another and 4 would be better to play with and plus if you have 4 they won't be lonely and also you will have fun trying to remember the 4 lizards names.

How do you say lizard in hawaiian?

Basically, it's "mo'o" - there are a few different types of lizards named in Hawaiian, along with "big lizard," "lizard god" and "long-tailed lizard," but there are no native lizards in Hawai'i.

What lizard can live with a green anole?

a long tail lizard, other green anoles, bahman anoles, and curly tailed lizards can live with green anoles.... I've had them all in with green anoles.... they've done great!

Whats a good pet that makes your parents say yes?

Fish.Other than that there are nifty creatures like:Land Hermit Crabs, friendly, unusual and easy to care for.Toitoises and lizards, once again unusual and relatively easy to care for.The old and loveable hamster and rabbits are good choices.Rats and degu's are good as well, as long as you've had some experience with rodents before.Giant African Land Snails, unusual and VERY easy to care for.

How much are lizards at petco?

The price of lizards at Petco can vary depending on the species and size of the lizard. Generally, you can expect prices to range from $20 to $100 for common species such as leopard geckos or bearded dragons. More exotic species can cost several hundred dollars.