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YES, deffidently.

golden geckos are solitary creatures, only visiting one of the same species during breeding season.

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Q: Are golden geckos okay alone
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Do geckos travel alone?

They are reptiles and they live alone .

Can you mix baby anoles with golden geckos?

No, you can't.

Is a 18.5 by 10.5 by 10.2 tank okay for geckos?

it should be

What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

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Is it okay to go to a nude beach alone?

Yes it I a okay to go to a nude beach alone

What is better a crested gecko or a golden gecko?

Crested Gecko. Golden Geckos are much faster and don't like being held. Get a crested gecko.

Is it okay to be alone?

yes it is.. unless a murderer is in your house..... its okay to be single.... idrk

What are all the leopard geckos enemies?

A leopard geckos enemies are other lizards or geckos. NEVER put two of them in the same tank especially two males. you may not have problems at the time but I guarantee that you will later. Leopard geckos like living alone. if you put them together they will eventually fight until death.

Are leopard geckos loners?

No, leopard geckos do not get lonely. They are solitary animals in the wild. In captivity, males will almost certainly fight with each other. Females may or may not fight but do not feel lonely when kept alone.

Is it okay to breed a golden retriever?

yes i think so.

How much is a gecko from a pet store?

Depending on the gecko species will determine the price of the animal. More common species are usually sold at a lower value such as the: house gecko, turner gecko, golden gecko, tokay gecko, skunk gecko. Other species such as crested geckos, leopard geckos and gargoyle geckos can range from $60 - $500. There are even "sought out" or "desired" species of gecko than can range upwards of $1000-$4000 this could include: Leachianous geckos, Green geckos, Chaoua geckos.