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Collared lizards are in the family crotaphytidae (Collared and Leopard lizards). They are in the same suborder as the family iguanidae (iguania).

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Q: Are collared lizards in the iguana family?
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Do collared lizards live with leopards?

Not with them like a family, but they might live in the same area.

What is the scientific name for the iguana?

Iguana is a genus of herbivorous lizards native to Central America. There are two species of iguana, Iguana delicatessima (Lesser Antillean Iguana), and Iguana iguana (Green Iguana). There are several similar genera that are commonly referred to as iguanas.

How much are collared lizards?

It matters at what store. And the species/morph. If you want to get more insight as to the pricing of captive bred collared lizards then go to They breed collared lizards and if you want, you could even buy yours online.

What types of lizards live in the desert?

Some common types of lizards that live in desert environments include the Gila monster, desert horned lizard, collared lizard, and desert iguana. These lizards have adapted to survive the harsh conditions of the desert, such as extreme heat and limited water sources.

Is the spiny tailed iguana a mammal?

No iguana are lizards and therefore reptiles.

Do reptiles walk upright?

Typically not, with the exception of very fast lizards such as collared lizards and basilisks.

Is a green iguana a reptile?

Yes. A green iguana is a lizard and all lizards are reptiles.

What is an iguana snake?

Iguanas are lizards, not snakes.

Can you name lizards beginning with the letter i?


Is iguana a non mammal?

Yes, they are lizards.

What is related to a iguana?

Iguanas are a kind of lizard.

How does an iguana become pregnant?

My iguana come from Florida how do you know what they look like when they're pregnant and the eggs do you put them in a separate cage with the lizards or separate the lizards from the mother