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The Indian Cobra and the King Cobra are not the same species, but they both belong to the Elpidae (Elapid) family. Despite their name the Indian Cobra and the King Cobra are not as closely related as one might expect. The genus, Naja, contains what the majority of the population on earth call 'cobras'. The King Cobra does not belong to the Naja genus. It belongs to a different genus. The Indian Cobra on the other hand stays to true to it's name and is a species in the Naja genus.

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14y ago
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11y ago

yes, the Indian cobra is a spitting cobra

NO the Indian Cobra is NOT a spitter, the Indian Cobra or speckled Cobra has a "standard" envenomation through biting and cannot spit venom.

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14y ago

The term "cobra" may refer to any number of hooded, venomous snakes. The King Cobra is simply one of these snakes.

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14y ago

Indian cobra is not a king cobra.

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12y ago

there are 30% in India

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Q: Are cobras the same as king cobras?
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the king cobra does symbolize a gang sign it symbolizes for the mickey cobras king cobras black king cobras spanish cobras young latin org cobras

Are king cobras red?

No king cobras are green and yellow

Do King Cobras eat other king cobras?

Yes they do

Do king cobras live in herds?

King Cobras live in herd of 6 . A herd of King Cobras is called a quiver.

Does the king cobra migrate?

Cobras stay in the same area for life.

What can king cobras not do?

King Cobras can't hear but the are very dangerous

Can king cobras eat bats?

No, bats eat king cobras

What are cobras habits?

king cobras smell with their tongue.

Do king cobras have scales?

Cobras are snakes, which are reptiles. All reptiles have scales, so, king cobras have dry, scaly skin.

What eats king cobras in the rainforrest?

The only animal that eats king cobras is the mongoose.