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Yes they are very fast

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Q: Are anacondas speedy animals
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Does anacondas depend on plants or other animals for it survival?

Anacondas are not plant eaters, so they do depend on other animals for its survival.

What animals eat anacondas?

Jaguars and crocodiles prey on anacondas on rare occasions.

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What animals hunt anaconda?

what animalshunt anacondas

Why do anacondas fall under animalia kingdom?

Anacondas fall under the animalia kingdom, because they are considered animals. Anacondas are very large snakes that are typically found in the rain forest.

Do ducks eat anacondas?

Anacondas eat any animals, including mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles, that they can catch in or near water.

Which Species is most commonly eaten by anacondas?

The capybara is the most common animal taken by anacondas, but they will take many animals, what ever they can overpower.

Does an anaconda have cell walls?

No. Anacondas are animals. Animal cells do not have cell walls.

What names of animals start with the letter a and b?

Anacondas, Aardvarks Bears, Buffalo.

Are anacondas prey or predators?

Answer Both actually. There are several species that'll eat small Anacondas. But as they grow, there are fewer and fewer animals willing to attack them. Adult Anacondas have no regular enemies apart from humans. Answer Anacondas are predators. They actually will eat anything that they can manage to capture, considering their large size.

Why anacondas are in endanred?

Anacondas are endangered because other animals are eating them. I'm not sure why they are endanred, though. I would guess it's because you don't know how to spell.

What animals that arecarnivores eat deers that live in swamps?

humans, crocodiles, alligators, and anacondas