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The spikes on a bearded dragon are their protection in the wild. When afraid or startled the spikes become hard, sharp and pointy. These spikes can cut a predator's mouth or tear at a birds talons.

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12y ago
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12y ago

No no, not at all. They look sharp and painful, but you can pick them up without feeling the same after math of a porcupine. The side spikes are the softest. As for the top spikes, they are a little hard, put just pet them from the head down to the back.

Hope it helped (p.s. I'm on a campaign to make sure NO bearded dragon question goes unanswered.)

If you pet the spikes they feel like rubber. I have one and I pet the spikes from the tail to the head and it kinda tickles. The spikes by the head feel like a rubber small point.

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14y ago

Bearded Dragons are desert dwellers, so they don't get much water. They can survive these conditions by "reusing" the water that they are able to get. They reuse it by removing the water from their waste before removing it from their bodies. Instead of urine, they have a chalky white substance that contains no water. When it rains in the desert, it is not usually a heavy rain. So they need to get as much water as they can out of it. To do this, they stand high on their back legs and lower on the front ones and then they duck their head. The water will travel through the spikes that direct the water to their head where it runs between the eyes and right onto the tongue that is going in and out of the mouth to collect the water and bring in.

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13y ago

They have special scales that look like spikes on the sides of their body, throats, necks, and heads. These spines look a little like a beard, and that is where a bearded dragon gets its name. If a bearded dragon is scared, it will flatten its body against the ground, puff out its spiny throat, and open its jaws to make itself look larger.

So technically they have them for defence - and to pose as a threat to predators.

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15y ago

If it feels threatened, angry or annoyed a bearded dragon shall puff out the beard to make itself look more intimidating. If this happens it is best for you to leave it alone.

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8y ago

They're for defence. They deter any would-be predator from picking up the lizard.

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12y ago

to catch their food and to climb trees

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Q: Are a bearded dragon's spikes or spines sharp?
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Do bearded dragons shave?

NO! Bearded dragons don't shave it is not hair on the beard its sharp pointy Spikes to scare of predators in the wild. Don't shave a bearded dragon!

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An echidna's spines are quite sturdy, and very sharp. They are strong enough to deter the average potential predator.

What keeps a bearded dragon safe?

If you mean what protects it in the wild then it's the spikes around the head, neck and down their sides. These spikes get hard and sharp when they feel threatened or scared.

How bearded dragons scare away predetors vedio?

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Are echidnas spikes also called spikes?

The echidna's spikes are called spines. These spines are primarily for defence against predators. When threatened by danger, the echidna will rapidly burrow horizontally into the soil, leaving only its spines exposed as it digs, and thereby protecting its vulnerable underbelly. The echidna can also raise its spines to create a more formidable protection against being bitten by predators. They also serve the function of enabling the echidna to wedge itself into small spaces, such as between rocks or tree roots.

How do Bearded Dragons Protect themselves?

the spikes.If a predator (such as a dog) tries to grab them, The beardie will frill up its neck and try to bite them Or whip its tail.They also make the spikes around their stomach's stick out, Which hurts alot

Does the female echidna have sharp spines?

Yes. Both the male and female echidna have equally sharp spines.

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