What do ball pythons look like?
Reticulated pythons are huge, thick snakes. They have a pattern
of black and brown that I can't easily explain, and a yellow face.
Check out the photos in the related links.
Reticulated pythons should never be described as "thick," they
are incredibly thin, active snakes. If a reticulated python is not
thin it's likely overweight or obese. Their pattern can be
described as "netted/webbed," which is where their name
"reticulated" comes from. They also often have orange, silver, and
greenish colors, and can be quite ornate. Each locality has
slightly different appearances. I think it's also worth noting, not
all reticulated pythons are huge! There are island localities that
max out at only 6' in length, and being such incredibly thin snakes
they won't appear as big as they really are, and someone might
guess a 6' retic to be maybe 4' if it wasn't stretched out to show
its length.