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Yes, God forgives all sin if you repent and turn away from your sin, asking Him to forgive you.

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8mo ago

In many religious beliefs, it is believed that God is forgiving and can forgive those who sincerely seek repentance and make amends for their actions, including adultery. Seeking forgiveness, genuine remorse, and making efforts to rectify any harm caused are typically important steps towards seeking God's forgiveness. It is recommended to seek guidance from religious leaders or spiritual advisors for more personalized support and advice.

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13y ago

Yes. If you SEEK HIM and ask him to

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Q: Will God forgive you if you commit adultery?
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Did Jacob in the old testament commit adultery?

Jacob in the Old Testament did not commit adultery. He married two sisters, Rachel and Leah, but it was in accordance with the customs of his time and not considered adultery.

What does you shall not commit adultery mean?

Having sex outside of marriage, either yours, or your partner's or that of you both. Felt I needed to correct this answer because it's not at all true how God sees adultery. The bible tells us that in God's eyes it is even wrong to lust within our hearts. You can commit adultery even if you don't commit a sexual act. It's sharing a sexual or intimate bond (something you wouldn't do with that person if your spouse was around) with someone other than your spouse. If you are taking away your gift of intimacy a married couple is supposed to have, whether it is sexual, physical, mental, or emotional, if you are taking that from your marriage and giving it to someone other than your spouse, you have committed adultery. Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. - Hebrews 13:4

Does God forgive you if you get mad at him?

Yes, God is believed to be loving and forgiving and can forgive someone for getting mad at Him. It is important to acknowledge any anger or frustration in prayer and seek forgiveness if one feels it is necessary. Communication and self-reflection are key to seeking forgiveness and healing any negative emotions towards God.

What were the seven things Jesus said on the cross before he died?

1- "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" which means, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46). 2 - "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). 3 - "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43). 4 - "Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46). 5 - "Woman, behold your son!" and "Behold your mother!" (John 19:26-27). 6 - "I thirst" (John 19:28). 7 - "It is finished!" (John 19:30).

What Commandment that protects marriage and the family?

The Sixth Commandment, "You shall not commit adultery," helps protect marriage and the family by promoting faithfulness and loyalty between spouses, which are essential for a healthy and strong relationship. Committing adultery can lead to broken families and emotional pain for all involved.

Related questions

Can a man commit adultery in Kuwait?

Yes, a man can commit adultery anywhere (even in Kuwait) if done in secret. However, it is to be known that adultery is forbidden and not allowed in all God religions including Islam. It is also illegal to commit adultery according to Kuwaiti national law.

Did god commit adultry when he took the seed from jesus?

No. Adultery is sin and God cannot sin.

Can a man commit adultery with his wife?

No, a man cannot commit adultery with his wife. In order to be adultery, it has to be with a woman other than your wife.

When Mormons believe they become gods and goddesses in heaven like God then did God commit adultery by impregnating Mary?

The LDS Church believes God has a human body. They also believe if God sinned, he would cease to be God. So no, he did not commit adultery. As to how Mary became pregnant, no one really knows except what the Bible says and God Himself.

What are ways you can be disobedient to God?

You can be disobedient by breaking any of his commandments or laws, such as do not murder, commit adultery, etc.

Why do Catholics not commit adultery?

In the perfect world, all Catholics (and all other Christians) would not commit adultery. However, since all Catholics are humans, they have the same weaknesses as all humans and some of them do violate the commandment 'Thou shalt not commit adultery.' The commandment spells it out but man has free will to follow God's word or to ignore it.

Did god forgive David get to Heaven after having so many wives and how?

Yes, I believe that God did forgive David for committing adultery, and polygamy. I don't fully understand how God forgives us, but, He promises never to leave us, or give up on us.

What kind of trouble do you get in if you commit adultery?


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How do you commit idolatry every day?

You commit adultery every day when you look at someone or something lustfully. You also do it when your mind is impure or you have impure thoughts. And, obviously you commit adultery when you have sexual activity with someone who is not your wife or husband. This how adultery is commuted.

Did ramson mumba commit adultery with linda mumba?

yes, he has a adopted daughter called Maryanne