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The Puritans expelled Roger Williams because he challenged their religious and political authority, advocating for the separation of church and state as well as criticizing their treatment of Native Americans. Williams also held different religious beliefs, such as rejecting infant baptism and questioning the legitimacy of the colony's land acquisition from Native Americans. These differences led to his banishment from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636.

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Q: Why did puritans expel rodger Williams?
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How did the puritans resolve the conflict between john winthrop and roger Williams?

The conflict between John Winthrop and Roger Williams was largely centered around religious beliefs and freedom. The Puritans resolved the conflict by banishing Roger Williams from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636, leading him to establish Rhode Island as a haven for religious freedom and tolerance. This allowed both to pursue their beliefs without further conflict.

Did roger Williams think the puritan should do?

Roger Williams believed that the Puritans should separate the church from the state to ensure religious freedom. He also advocated for fair treatment of Native Americans and believed in the importance of respecting their land rights. Williams emphasized the need for tolerance and acceptance of diverse beliefs within the community.

Did the Puritans get along with the Indians?

The relationship between Puritans and Native Americans was complex and varied among different groups and regions. Some Puritans had peaceful interactions with Native Americans, while others engaged in conflicts and violence. Overall, there were instances of cooperation as well as tensions and hostilities between the two groups.

What is the difference between the seperist puritans and non-seperatists puritans?

Separatist Puritans believed in completely separating from the Church of England and forming their own independent congregations. Non-separatist Puritans, on the other hand, wanted to reform the Church of England from within. Ultimately, the Pilgrims who settled in Plymouth were Separatist Puritans, while the Puritans who settled in Massachusetts Bay Colony were mostly non-separatists.

What colony did the puritans first settle?

The Puritans first settled in Plymouth Colony in 1620.

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a person that got kicked out of Massachusetts's

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When was rodger Williams born?

William Rodger Shane was born on 1935-10-01.

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Rodger Williams in 1636.

Important event from Rhode Island in 1635?

it was founded then by Rodger Williams.

Who was thrown out of mass Bay colony?

Anne Hutchinson, and Rodger Williams

Who founded Providence?

Answer Rodger Williams founded Providence. He also organize the settlement based on the consent

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He was forced out

Why did anne Hutchinson chose Massachusetts bay colony?

because Rodger Williams went there