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because they are

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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Ezekiel and Daniel are called Exilic prophets because they prophesied during the time of the Israelite exile in Babylon. Their messages addressed the challenges faced by the Israelites during this period and provided hope for restoration and redemption. Their books contain a mix of prophecies about the exile, the eventual return to the Promised Land, and visions of future events.

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Why are major prophets called major?

Major prophets are called "major" due to the length and significance of their writings in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. These prophets, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, have longer books or prophecies compared to the "minor" prophets. Their messages are considered major in terms of their impact and influence on the religious community.

Where was Daniel imprisoned in the bible?

Daniel was imprisoned in Babylon, specifically in the king's palace, after being captured along with other Israelites. He was later thrown into the lions' den for defying the king's order not to pray to God, but he was miraculously saved.

People claiming to have messages from God were called?


What books in the bible did Daniel write?

There were several persons called Daniel in the Bible. In 1 Chronicles, Daniel was the second son of David. Ezramentions a Daniel in the reign of Artaxerxes (465-424 BCE); Nehemiah also mentions a Daniel. Ezekiel talks of a Daniel, who lived early in the Babylonian Exile and whom it compares to Noah and Job, but Ezekiel does not say what he did or was famous for.The most important Daniel in the Bible is the main charactor in the Book of Daniel. That this could not be the same Daniel as the Daniel of Eziekiel is demonstrated by the different time periods described. Ezekiel's Daniel was much too early for the Daniel described in the Book of Daniel. The Daniel in the Book of Daniel is said to have risen to become the second most important person in the Babylonian Empire. After the Persian defeat of the Babylonian Empire, he also became the second most important person in the Persian Empire. He is described as miraculously surviving exotic execution attempts. Tradition says that Daniel actually wrote the Book of Daniel, but evidence internal to the book demonstrates that that could not be the case. Almost all scholars recognise the Book of Daniel as being written by an anonymous author during the third century BCE.

What are the Historical books of the Old Testament?

1) Prophetic BooksØ Isaiah- IsØ Jeremiah- JerØ Lamentations- LamØ Baruch- BarØ Ezekiel- EzØ Daniel- DnØ Hosea- HosØ Joel- JlØ Amos- AmØ Obadiah- ObØ Jonah- JonØ Micah- MiØ Nahum- NaØ Habakkuk- HbØ Zephaniah- ZepØ Haggai- HgØ Zechariah-ZecØ Malachi- MAlA:Also Revelation from the New Testament.

Related questions

In which major section would you find the book of ezekiel?

It is part of the Later Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea etc.), which in turn is part of the Prophets. The Prophets is the second third of the Hebrew Bible (Torah, Prophets, Writings).

What kind of book in the Bible that tells about the prophets and their messages?

These books in the Old Testament are called the Prophets. There are the major prophets and the minor prophets. The major prophets are: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. The minor prophets are: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. The Major Prophets are called "major" because their books are longer and the content has wide, even global implications. The Minor Prophets are called "minor" because their books are shorter and the content is more narrowly focused.

What prophets are known as major prophets?

The major prophets were Samuel , Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah.Ezekiel.The major prophets are:Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel DanielThe minor prophets are:Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah haggai Zechariah MalachiThe minor prophets are called the minor prophets because the lives of the prophets were more obscure and their writings were shorter not because they were less important.

Name the 5 major prophets in the holy bible niv edition?

Abraham Asaph Barnabas Daniel / Book of Daniel David Elijah Elisha Enoch Ezekiel / Book of Ezekiel Habakkuk / Prophecies of Habakkuk Haggai / Book of Haggai Hosea / Prophecies of Hosea Isaiah / Book of Isaiah Jeduthun Jeremiah / Book of Jeremiah Jesus Christ Joel / Book of Joel John / Book of Revelation John the Baptist Jonah / Book of Jonah Joshua Malachi / Prophecies of Malachi Micah / Book of Micah Moses Nahum / Book of Nahum Noah Samuel / Books of Samuel / Books of Kings Zechariah Anna Deborah Huldah Miriam

Is there a book in the bible called Daniel?

Yes, in the old testament between Ezekiel and Hosea

Who are the Old Testament Major Prophets?

In the Old Testament. The major prophets are: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekial and Daniel.Additionally:Generally speaking... the sheer size of the above prophet's prophetic books are bigger than those of the "minor prophets."As "Halley's Bible Handbook with the King James Version" explains:"...This classification [the difference between major and minor prophets] is based on the size of the books. Any one of the three books of Isaiah, Jeremiah or Ezekiel is in itself alone larger than all 12 of the Minor Prophets combined together. Daniel is about the combined size of the two Minor Prophets Hosea and Zechariah..." (Halley's Bible Handbook with the King James Version" Classic Edition; p.280, The Prophets).

Where can I find in the Bible about the major prophets?

The major prophets are the books in the Old Testament that give the prophesies of God to the Jewish people. They are not called 'major' because they are more important than the 'minor' prophets but simply because their books are longer. The major prophets are:- * Isaiah * Jeremiah * Ezekiel * Daniel and are found in the last section of the Old Testament. They are followed by the minor prophets (as their books are much shorter):- Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

Who are the major prophets in the old testaments and how did they become a major prophet?

The major prophets are:Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel DanielThe minor prophets are:Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah haggai Zechariah MalachiThe minor prophets are called the minor prophets because the lives of the prophets were more obscure and their writings were shorter not because they were less important.

What makes up the third part of the Hebrew Bible?

The books of the Prophets. These are subdivided as follows: A) The Nevi'im Rishonim (the Early Prophets):Yehoshua (Joshua)Shoftim (Judges)Shemuel (Samuel I and II)Melachim (Kings I and II)B) The Nevi'im Acharonim (the Later Prophets):Yeshayahu (Isaiah)Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah)Yechezkel (Ezekiel)Trei Asar ("The Twelve" or "The Minor Prophets")Books and Prophets within Trei Asar:Hoshea (Hosea)Yoel (Joel)AmosOvadiah (Obadiah)Yonah (Jonah)Michah (Micah)NahumHavakkuk (Habakkuk)ZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiSee also:More about the Hebrew Bible

Why are major prophets called major?

Major prophets are called "major" due to the length and significance of their writings in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. These prophets, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, have longer books or prophecies compared to the "minor" prophets. Their messages are considered major in terms of their impact and influence on the religious community.

what qualified Daniel to be with the major prophets and Hosea and Zechariah to be minor prophets?

In the Bible, the distinction between Major and Minor Prophets is based on the length of the prophetic books rather than the significance of the prophets themselves. Daniel is considered a Major Prophet not necessarily because of his qualifications, but because his book is longer and more extensive in content compared to the books of the Minor Prophets. Similarly, Hosea and Zechariah are classified as Minor Prophets because their prophetic books are shorter in length. Each prophet was called by God to deliver His message to the people, regardless of their classification as Major or Minor Prophets.

Why was Joel considered a minor prophet?

Joel and the other 11 minor prophets are called "minor" not because they were inferior, but because of the brevity of their prophecies as compared to the length of the works of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.