The parents of the disciple Matthew are not explicitly mentioned in The Bible or other historical texts. Matthew, also known as Levi, was a tax collector before becoming one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew, he simply refers to himself as the son of Alphaeus, but it is unclear if this refers to his father or another relative with the same name.
Disciples are not meant to change their minds when called by Jesus, yet Mark leaves Levi out of his subsequent list of all the twelve apostles. When copying the original gospel, the anonymous author of Matthew resolves this by not mentioning Levi and by having Matthew as the disciple who was a tax collector. Matthew's Gospel is now widely known to have been based substantially on Mark, and its author could not possibly have known anything about Levi that was not to be found in Mark, but this usage in Matthew means that it has become accepted by Christians that Matthew and Levi were one and the same person. On this understanding, Matthew's father was Alphaeus, but the author of Mark's Gospel does not appear to have intended this. The gospels do not tell us his mother's name.
Yes, Saint Matthew was one of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus and later became an apostle. He is also known as an evangelist, as he authored the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament.
Matthew the disciple was believed to have been born in Galilee, a region in ancient Israel.
Yes, Matthias was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot as one of the twelve disciples. However, Matthew (also known as Levi) was a different disciple who was already among the original twelve chosen by Jesus.
Saint Matthew was one of the Twelve Apostles chosen by Jesus. As a disciple, he followed Jesus, learned from His teachings, and spread the message of Christianity after Jesus' death. Saint Matthew also wrote the first Gospel in the New Testament, which bears his name and recounts the life and teachings of Jesus.
Judas Iscariot is often considered the disciple who betrayed Jesus by handing him over to the authorities for thirty pieces of silver.
John the disciple (also known as John the Revelator) was the son of Zebedee (Matthew 4:21). The mother of John is not directly given, though some speculate that Salome was his and James's mother.
If Matthew the disciple/apostle had a wife we are not told about it in the Bible.
Yes, Saint Matthew was one of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus and later became an apostle. He is also known as an evangelist, as he authored the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament.
Matthew 10:1-4
The Bible does not tell us the stature of the disciples.
Yes, Matthew was a tax collector.
Peter. Matthew 16:16.
Peter (Matthew 14:28-31)
Matthew the disciple was believed to have been born in Galilee, a region in ancient Israel.
Matthew Flinders' parents were Matthew (senior), who was a surgeon, and Sussanah (nee Ward).