Saint Thomas Aquinas is the patron saint of schools and universities. He is known for his scholarship, intellect, and teaching, making him a fitting patron for educational institutions.
No, Saint Gabriel is the patron saint of messengers, communication workers, and postal services. The patron saint for school teachers is Saint John Baptist de la Salle.
Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, Russia, Ukraine, and Romania.
Saint Apollonia is traditionally considered the patron saint of land surveyors. She is also the patron saint of dentists and those suffering from toothaches.
Saint George is the patron saint of several countriesCanadaEngland (by Pope Benedict XIV)EthiopiaGeorgiaGermanyGreeceLithuaniaMaltaPortugalCappadociaCataloniaPalestine
Saint John Baptist De La Salle is the patron saint of teachers and educators. He dedicated his life to improving the education system and providing quality education to all, especially the poor and underprivileged.
No, Saint Gabriel is the patron saint of messengers, communication workers, and postal services. The patron saint for school teachers is Saint John Baptist de la Salle.
There are patron saints of schools and patron saints of artists but no patron saint of art schools.
Madeline Sophie Barat is not a patron saint at this time.
The Patron Saint Inex lists no patron saints of bears.
A patron saint is supposed to be a protector in the Catholic religion. Patron Saint Angelico is the patron saint of artists. A patron saint is a protector of life.
As per the Patron Saint Index, there is no patron saint of wrestlers. However, Saint Sebastian is the patron saint of all athletics and athletes.
Saint Lillian is not a patron saint as per the Patron Saint Index.
There is a patron saint of Wales but no patron saint of whales.
Patron saint of Christian apprentices, editors, publishers, school children and young people
There is no patron saint of color.
There is no patron saint of voting.