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Hinduism is based on the Vedas the oldest of which and the oldest religious book in the world, is the Rig Veda. The Rig credits the founding of Hinduism on a sacramental herb called Soma.

"That which we call the Hindu religion is really the Eternal religion because it embraces all others"

Sri Aurobindo

With Hindu way of life, each individual can devise her/his own religion and still be harmonious to rest of the universe.

To call Hinduism a religion is a limiting trying to pack an elephant in a carrybag.

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9mo ago

Hinduism does not have a specific founder. It developed over thousands of years in ancient India through a combination of diverse beliefs, practices, and cultural influences. It is considered a complex and varied religious tradition with no single founder.

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Hinduism is a religion, not a continent. It originated in the Indian subcontinent.

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Hinduism developed from the Vedic religion, which was polytheistic.

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The only country as Hinduism as their national Religion is Nepal. In India Hinduism is not a national Religion.

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no, Hinduism is a religion, where as hindu is the person who follows Hinduism. it is like christian and christianity.

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No, Hinduism is not Polytheistic Religion. Hinduism used to be a Philosophy of lifestyle before it became Religion.

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Hinduism is a world religion.

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Hinduism is itself 'the' religion.

Who founed the religion Hinduism?

Hinduism originated from god himself, so there is no founder of Hinduism. Hinduism is also called the religion of No man for the same reason.

Is Hinduism a religion or a term?
