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By AD 400, Christian areas were mainly concentrated in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Christianity had spread throughout the Roman Empire in Europe, reached the eastern regions of Asia, and had significant communities in North Africa as well.

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Q: Which 3 continents has christian areas by AD 400?
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What do you think all the areas surrounding the mediterraneah sea were christhian areas by 476?

By 476 AD, areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea were predominantly Christian due to the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. The conversion of Constantine the Great in the 4th century and the subsequent endorsement of Christianity by Theodosius I contributed to its widespread adoption in the region. Additionally, the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD played a significant role in solidifying Christian beliefs and practices.

What year in the christian calendar corresponds to the Muslim year 1?

The Muslim calendar begins in the year 622 CE, which corresponds to the Christian year.

What 3 copies of the New Testament made before AD 400 are preserved in large portions?

The three early copies of the New Testament made before AD 400 that are preserved in large portions are the Codex Vaticanus, the Codex Sinaiticus, and the Codex Alexandrinus. These manuscripts are significant in textual criticism and provide valuable insights into the early Christian church and its beliefs.

When was St. Sebastian a disciple?

St. Sebastian was not one of the original 12 disciples of Jesus. He is known as a Christian saint and martyr who lived during the 3rd century AD.

When did john mark die?

The exact date of John Mark's death is uncertain, but it is believed to have been around the year 68-70 AD. He was a significant figure in the early Christian church and is known for his association with the apostles Peter and Paul.

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What river in Egypt had Christian areas by 400 AD?

The Nile River.

When was the christian bible written?

Around 400 AD.

Could christian areas be found east of the danube river in europe by 600 AD?

Christian areas can be found on the East of the Danube river. This is located in Europe.

Was the roman empire bigger in 400 ad or 117 ad?

400 AD

What happened to the christian church in 400 AD?

Internal conflicts led to the church splitting into eastern and western parts.

Why would Christian areas in AD 325 be located near large cities and mostly along the coasts and rivers?

Christian areas in AD 325 were located near large cities and mostly along the coasts and rivers because it enabled people to travel easily in search for food and water.

Why would christian areas in ad 325 be located near large cities and mostly along the coast and rivers?

Christian areas in AD 325 were located near large cities and mostly along the coasts and rivers because it enabled people to travel easily in search for food and water.

What religion was founded before ad 400?

Islam was founded in more than 200 years after AD 400.

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What is Politika AD's population?

The population of Politika AD is 400.

Were there books in 400 ad?

In 400 ad they didnt have books they had paper that they only wrote notes on. They didnt know what books were.

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The Yamamoto clan took power in 400 AD.