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One view:It is NOT found in the Bible.

Jehovah God, the Almighty is the Creator. He created us from the physical elements, which he also created.

God is self-sufficent; self-contained, if-you-will. God does NOT depend on the things humans depend on. God does not need to eat food, or drink water. He created food and water for 'life on earth' to exist. God does not need eyes to see; does not need feet, or wings, or fins, or scales, to move from place to place. God does not even need heat from the sun to exist; nor does he need gravity. God created all those things. They need HIM to exist, not the other way around.

God does not even need to to make him happy. He is called in 1 Timothy 'The Happy God'. That is his essence; he is self-contained.

At the same time, we can contribute to God's happiness by our loving obedience and respect of him and Who he is.

True, the Bible states that if mankind did not 'praise' God; God would make the stones speak his praises. But that does not mean that God needs 'stones' any more than God needs 'people' to speak his praises. God simply ALLOWS us to do things, and then he finds joy in observing our willing obedience.

Example: You may be a very happy person without children around. You may be able to do things much better than your children. --BUT-- having children CAN bring you much pleasure. Even though they may not do things as good as you can, yet watching them do their best, within their capacity; is a sheer delight to observe.

Same thing with God, and us, and our relationship alongside Him.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

The Bible does not explicitly say that God needs us, as God is described as all-powerful and self-sufficient. However, it does mention that God desires a relationship with us and invites us to participate in His work and purposes. The idea of God needing us is not a central theme in traditional Christian theology.

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Why is there a god?

The existence of a god is a subject of belief and varies among individuals and cultures. Some believe in a god to provide meaning, guidance, and comfort in life, while others may see the concept of a god as a way to understand the universe and their place in it. Ultimately, the question of why there is a god is a deeply personal and philosophical one.

What does Bible say about being out of place?

The Bible emphasizes the importance of being content in all circumstances and trusting in God's plan for our lives. It teaches that God is present with us wherever we are and that our worth is not determined by our circumstances or where we are placed in life. Ultimately, the Bible encourages us to seek God's guidance and find peace in knowing that we are exactly where we are meant to be.

Does the Bible say in darkness God shines?

Yes, the Bible often speaks of God's light shining in the darkness. For example, in 2 Corinthians 4:6 it says, "For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ."

Why did God give us food?

God gave us food as a way to nourish and sustain our bodies. Food provides us with the energy and nutrients we need to survive and thrive. It also serves as a means for us to experience pleasure and gratitude for the sustenance provided to us.

What was God greatest gift to us?

jesus was gods greatest gift and god sacrificng himself was apprently his greatest gift to according to The Bible of Christianity

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