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It does not say that Solomon died at the age of 60 in the Bible. Most historians believe he was around the age of 80 when he died. According to Jewish tradition, he died at the age of 52.

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The Bible does not specifically mention the age at which Solomon died. The book of Kings mentions that he reigned for 40 years and then died, but it does not give his exact age at death.

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Q: Where in the Bible does it say Solomon died at age 60?
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It isn't known what was the cause of his death. The Bible records only that he 'slept with his fathers.' No, the Bible does not say. But according to the Quran: Quran 34:14 When Solomon was to die, he was standing watching the work of his (Jinn) slaves while reclining on his cane. There he silently passed away, but did not fall. He remained in this position, for days and the Jinns thought that he was still alive watching them work, and so they kept working extra days. But the termites were eating at the cane all these days so that the body of Sulayman fell after forty days. It was thereafter that the Jinn (along with all humans) fell in their hands that they did not know more than God had allotted them to know.

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