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Q: What symbolic work that has a religious moral or spiritual meaning is called a an?
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A religious doctrine that emphasizes a return to rigid principles is called while refers to an absence of religious or spiritual belief.?

The religious doctrine that emphasizes a return to rigid principles is called "fundamentalism." "Atheism" refers to an absence of religious or spiritual belief.

The symbolic meaning of signs and subjects is called?


What is a picture of a saint called?

A picture of a saint is called an icon. Icons are religious images that hold symbolic meaning and are used in various Christian traditions for prayer and worship.

Who were the spiritual leaders that the Jews relied on for advice?

The religious leaders of Jews are called Rabbis.

Why is it that being religious is a positive values of Filipinos?

Being "religious" has nothing to do with being good or being Spiritual. Being good or Spiritual is not an ethnic trait. If you believe that being good or Spiritual is an ethnic trait that is called "chauvanism"... look it up and think about it.

What is it called when you are being religious?

Just that. Religious. The meaning is different for everyone. Take it as you will.

What is a religious expedition called?

A religious expedition is often referred to as a pilgrimage. This type of journey is typically motivated by faith, and pilgrims visit locations of religious significance as part of their spiritual practice.

What is religious painting with a sacred meaning called?

Religious painting with a sacred meaning is called "religious art" or "sacred art." These types of paintings often depict religious figures, scenes from religious texts, or themes central to a particular faith tradition.

Why was Muhammad's turning from Jerusalem and facing Mecca is called a symbolic break with the past?

because he wanted people to know his religious religion

Why is pilgrimage called pilgrimage?

The term "pilgrimage" comes from the Latin word "peregrinus," meaning foreigner or stranger. It refers to a journey or trip to a sacred place or shrine for religious or spiritual reasons. The act of pilgrimage often involves a sense of devotion, self-discovery, and seeking of blessings or spiritual enlightenment.

A person's conclusion or personal reasoning about the origin and nature of life is called?

A person's conclusion or personal reasoning about the origin and nature of life is called their belief system or worldview. This can encompass religious, spiritual, scientific, or philosophical perspectives on the origins and meaning of life.

What are Jewish religious leaders are called?

Spiritual leaders are called Rabbis. The person who leads prayers during religious services are called cantors. Judaism is not a centralised religion and doesn't have the kind of hierarchy associated with other religions.