The Genesis accounts of creation explain human existence as coming from the one and only almighty God who madhae the world and everything in it out of nothing. The Hebrew word for create, bara, has the connotation of creation out of nothing. Thus the almighty God of he Bible simply spoke and things were created. Genesis 1 through to 2 v4a is sometimes referred to as the first creation account and describes the creation of everything except man.
The second creation account is an account which focuses particularly on the creation of man whom God fashioned from the dust of the earth. Often these accounts are found to be in conflict or in contradiction which they clearly are not when rightly understood. Studies of other ancient literature has shown that this practice of referring to something generally and then expanding on a particular detail later was a literary device used by such ancient people. The second account will often contain details not mentioned in the first.
The Bible puts man and his creation as the pinnacle, coming last to complete it. Woman of course, completed man, who was alone and incomplete without her.
The fall of man, a real and tragic historical event as described in Genesis 3, explains much of the trouble, decay and destruction we see on the earth today. Fallen man is alienated from his maker, from his fellow man, from the creation and even from himself.
The issue of free will also comes into play, and is a significant and important aspect of who man was clearly created to be. That man exercised it wrongly was of course known beforehand by God, who, in His infinite wisdom, provided a way of escape through Jesus Christ,'the seed of the woman,' who was to 'bruise the head of the serpent.'
Religion answers the questions of why we are here, what happens after we die, and what it all means. It answers all the questions that science cannot answer.
Science works in the real world answering questions such as how to grow crops, how to make antibiotics, how to purify water.
Religion addresses "soft" issues like what is "good" and what reassurances are there that people are somehow different or better than every other being on Earth.
Many religions provide a creation story to explain the origin of the world and the beginning of human existence. For example, Genesis, the first Book of the Jewish and Christian Bible, contains two separate and slightly conflicting creation accounts. Fragments of a third account can be found in Psalms and the Book of Job.
The system used to address the differences between Christianity and other religions was called ecumenism. This approach aimed to promote dialogue and understanding between different religions in order to foster religious tolerance and cooperation. It sought to find common ground and mutual respect among believers of different faiths.
The common element of all religions is faith. Without faith (belief) there is no religion. You must believe in a higher power .
The word for someone who hates religions is "anti-theist."
One common response is interfaith dialogue, which promotes understanding and cooperation between different religious groups. This can help mitigate conflict and foster peace by emphasizing common values and promoting mutual respect. Additionally, secularism advocates for the separation of religion and state to ensure equal treatment and freedom of belief for all individuals.
Non-proselytizing religions.
Yes, we do answer religious questions and comparison religious questions.
That is a statement of your opinion, not a question. WikiAnswers is for questions.
Science attempts to answer many questions about reality, especially those concerning nature and culture.
B) Question about the living world
they are conducting experiments.
they are conducting experiments.
they are conducting experiments.
where did we come from how we should live where do we go All questions might include 'why or what'
they all originated in the Middle East. __________________________________________ The three religions are monotheist religions (despite the Trinity principle in Christianity). In additions, the three religions call for the same morals. Refer to related questions below for morals as extracted from Quran.
We don't teach languages, we just attempt to answer questions.
You should try to answer any questions that haven't already been answered in the rest of the paper.
As long as these people can accept that everyone is permitted to practise their religion in peace and without recrimination from others, then there is every reason to welcome different religions into Australia. The problem is that, sometimes, these people of other religions attempt to enforce their will and their religions on others, and may resort to violent means as they attempt to influence the population. Sometimes, also, the religion upon which Australia's heritage was built - Christianity - is compromised in the name of "political correctness". This leads to greater intolerance rather than tolerance.