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The phrase "source and summit of the Christian life" refers to the Eucharist, and can be found in The Catechism of the Catholic Church, as well as the Vatican II document Lumen Gentium, no. 11. In paragraph 1324, The Catechism states

The Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life." "The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch."


Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Catechism of the Catholic Church, (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1994).

Flannery, A. ed. The Basic Sixteen Documents - Vatican Council II - Constitutions, Decrees, Declarations, (Northport, NY: Costello Publishing Company, 1996).

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The source and summit of our faith is the Eucharist, which is the sacrament in which Catholics believe they receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. It is the central act of worship in the Catholic Church and represents the highest form of communion with God.

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What are the three objects of faith?

The three objects of faith in Christianity are God, who is the ultimate source of faith; the content of faith, which includes beliefs and doctrines; and the act of faith, which involves trusting and committing to God.

What is the metaphysical meaning of faith?

Faith in a metaphysical sense is the belief in something greater than oneself, such as a higher power, universal energy, or divine source. It involves trust, surrender, and a connection to the unknown and unseen aspects of life. Having faith can provide guidance, strength, and a sense of purpose in navigating life's uncertainties.

Did Chet Atkins become a Christian?

Yes, Chet Atkins was a Christian. He credited his faith as a source of strength and inspiration throughout his life and career.

Are there any ba ha'i scriptures?

Yes, the primary scriptures of the Baha'i Faith are the writings of Baha'u'llah, the founder of the faith, as well as the writings of the Bab, the forerunner of Baha'u'llah. These writings are considered by Baha'is to be the authoritative source of spiritual guidance for humanity. Additionally, the Baha'i Faith recognizes the scriptures of some previous religions, such as the Quran and the Bible, as having inspired and relevant teachings.

When was the edict of faith defined?

The Edict of Faith was defined in 1180 by Pope Alexander III during the conflict with the German Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa. It affirmed the authority of the Pope over matters of faith and doctrine.

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The Church's greatest sacrament, the source and summit of her worship, is the Eucharist.

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Paloma Faith was born on July 21, 1981. (second source giving birth year as 1985 is unverified)

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Source no, may make possible-yes

Who does lots of stuff?

the person that has a bit of a summit but that summit is only a little summit and this little summit only costs 12p which is a summit

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the summit is high

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Just by believing in god/ faith

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