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As with any demographic poll of religion, and especially Atheism, there might be slight inaccuracies. Sometimes, "non-affiliated" or "Agnostic" will be considered "Atheist". And, many times, atheists are afraid to identify themselves. That being said; according to Wikipedia sources, Up to 59% of the population in China consider themselves "non-religious". However the number, in reality, might be as low as 30%, because China defines religion differently than other cultures. Some define religion as practicing cultural customs, while others will define it as actually believing their religion will lead to post-mortem salvation or reincarnation.

According to a 1993 survey, 59% of China identified themselves as irreligious and 15-17% identified as Atheist as of 2005.

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It is estimated that around 47% of the population in China identifies as atheist. The Chinese Communist Party promotes Atheism as part of its ideology, leading to a higher percentage of atheists in the country compared to some other regions.

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