The phrase "if God be with us, who can be against us" can be translated into Latin as "si Deus nobiscum, quis contra nos." In this translation, "si" means "if," "Deus" means "God," "nobiscum" means "with us," "quis" means "who," and "contra nos" means "against us." Latin word order is flexible, but this arrangement maintains the original meaning of the phrase.
"Deus vult" is a Latin phrase that translates to "God wills it." It was used during the Crusades as a battle cry or motto by Christian knights. However, in modern times, it has been associated with extremist and nationalist groups.
God of water: deus aquae Water of god: aqua dei
A person who suffers or dies rather than give up their beliefs is called a martyr. Martyrs are individuals who are willing to sacrifice their lives for their principles, convictions, or religious faith.
Colin does not have a specific biblical meaning as it is not a name found in the Bible. It is of Scottish origin meaning "young cub" or "virile." The name does not have any direct religious connotations.
"Deus contigo.""Deus convosco."God go with you = Vá com DeusGod be with you = Fique com Deus, esteja com Deus.
Obrigado - thank you Valeu mesmo - it was worth it bjss - short for beijos - kisses fique com Deus - go with God
Deus vá contigo. We usually use the form "Go with God", vai com Deus.
Latin for God is Deus. The genitive form is Dei, meaning of God or God's.
Ah, "sanctus deus" is a beautiful Latin phrase that means "holy God." It's a way to show reverence and respect to the divine. Just like painting, language can be a wonderful way to express emotions and connect with something greater than ourselves.
'Deus, dei' (m) means god. We get derivatives such as 'deity' and 'deified'.
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Deus está contigo! or Deus fica com você! and Deus está com vós! or Deus fica com vocês! are Portuguese equivalents of the English phrase "God is with you!" Context makes clear whether one "you" in Brazil (case 2) or in Portugal (example 1) or two or more "you all" in Brazil (instance 4) or in Portugal (option 3) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "DEY-oosh ee-SHTA kon-TCHEE-go," "DEY-oosh FEE-kuh kong vo-SEY," "DEY-oosh ee-SHTA kong vosh" and "DEY-oosh FEE-kuh kong vo-SEYSH" in Cariocan Brazilian and in continental Portuguese.
The English meaning of 'Ordo ab chao deus jus' is God created law and order out of chaos. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'ordo' means 'order'. The preposition 'ab' means 'from, out of'. The noun 'chao' means 'chaos'. The noun 'deus' means 'God'. The noun 'jus' means 'law'.
In general, a famulus is an assistant or servant. In the realm of magic, a famulus is an assistant to a magician or sorceror. The Latin phrase "Famulus Deus" is considered as meaning "in the service of God" with "Deus" referring to God.
It was an important factor of being said. Meaning " God wills it" !