Buddhism is a major religion found mainly in China and surrounding countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan. It has a significant presence in these regions and has influenced their cultures and traditions for centuries.
The major religions practiced in Bangladesh are Islam and Hinduism. Islam is the largest religion, with the majority of the population identifying as Sunni Muslims. Hinduism is the second largest religion, with a significant minority population in the country.
India was divided into India and Pakistan after the British left, due to religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims. The major religions in India are Hinduism and Islam, while in Pakistan, the major religion is Islam.
The main religion in Spanish-speaking countries is Christianity, with the majority of the population being Roman Catholic.
The major religion in the Philippines is Roman Catholicism, with over 80% of the population identifying as Catholic.
Eritrea is the smallest country in the Sahel.
Eritrea is the smallest country in the Sahel.
The Sahel is a biome extending over several countries. It has no capital.
The 5 Sahel countries of Africa are Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Burkina Faso.
Desertification - the southward spread of the Sahara - is the major threat to the Sahel.
In the 1600s, Islam was widely practiced in the Sahel region; Timbuktu was a center of Islamic learning. Christianity was the major religion of Ethiopia.
Mali,Niger,ad Chad
Mali,Niger,ad Chad
Human activities such as overgrazing, over-cultivation and the collection of firewood can lead todesertification, particularly when combined with drought conditions.