The opposite of the word sacred is profane, secular, or mundane.
A common belief is that God possesses knowledge of all things past, present, and future, known as omniscience. Additionally, God may have knowledge that is beyond human comprehension, such as the mysteries of creation and the afterlife.
The opposite of priestess would be something like "layperson" or "non-clergy."
The opposite gender of "gal" is "guy."
The opposite of persecute is protect. It involves defending or shielding someone from harm or mistreatment.
The exact opposite direction of southeast is northwest.
The opposite of "ask" is "answer".
The exact opposite of logical is illogical.
Omniscience means having infinite knowledge. For example, God's omniscience allowed Him to know that Eve took the first bite of the apple and tempted Adam.
The opposite of hymn is Christian Metal. The exact exact opposite is secular metal (aka songs that have a bunch of swear words, etc.)
Antidiarrheals are the exact opposite of laxatives.
Strength. Forte. (There is no exact opposite.)
The noun form of the word "omniscient" is "omniscience," which refers to the state of knowing everything.
No, they are the exact opposite of perverted!
Broad. The exact opposite would be wide.