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LDS is most often used as an abbreviation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is also used as an abbreviation for the word ladies, lightweight directory services, loans for disadvantaged students, Liscence in Dental Surgery, lightning detection system, location dependent services, long distance service, and many other things.

LES is used as an abbreviation for the Lower East Side (in Manhattan), the word lesbian, leave and earnings statements, laser eye surgery, law enforcement services, lake effect snow, Lambert-Eaton Syndrome, and many other things.

You can see a list of the many things that both LDS and LES stand for at the "Related Links" below.

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LDS stands for "Latter-day Saint," which refers to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. LES stands for "Lesbian." The two terms are unrelated and represent different concepts or groups.

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I don't know why you asked that question. "LDS" means "Latter Day Saints" and refers to anyone who is a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or LDS church. That is pretty self explanatory. So the LDS were ALWAYS allowed in the LDS church because the LDS church is made up of only LDS people. Duh.

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