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Both vocations are great and both have their pro's and con's, it all depends on what you want on the inside. Do some soul searching, perhaps you will find what you are looking for.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

The choice between married life and priesthood depends on individual calling, beliefs, and values. Each vocation offers unique opportunities for service, love, and personal growth. It is essential to reflect deeply, seek spiritual guidance, and discern which path aligns best with your values, aspirations, and desires for a meaningful life.

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Q: What is a good vocation married life or priesthood?
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Why is the Sacrament of Holy Orders considered a Sacrament of Vocation?

The Sacrament of Holy Orders is considered a Sacrament of Vocation because it is a calling from God for individuals to serve the Church as ordained ministers. Those who receive this sacrament are called to a life of service, leadership, and ministry within the Christian community. It is a vocation in that it requires a deep sense of commitment and dedication to fulfilling the duties and responsibilities associated with ordained ministry.

What is lay faithful?

In most systems of Christian belief the Church is comprised of two broad areas of function. Firstly we have the hierarchy of the ministry or priesthood who minister to the people of the church who comprise the "Lay Faithful" or laity meaning those members of the Church who are not ordained to the ministry or priesthood.

Was St. Francis of Assisi ever ordained?

No, St. Francis of Assisi was not ordained as a priest. He was a deacon, but he chose not to pursue priesthood and instead focused on living a life of poverty and service to others.

Was St. Thomas Aquinas married?

No, St. Thomas Aquinas was not married. He took a vow of celibacy and dedicated his life to the church as a Dominican friar and scholar.

What does a bishop say during holy orders?

During holy orders, a bishop typically asks the candidate for priesthood a series of questions related to their commitment to serving the Church and living a life of faith. The bishop also bestows blessings and prayers upon the candidate, invoking the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength in their future ministry.

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What does vocation to the priesthood mean?

To have a vocation is to have a specific "calling" or disposition towards the religious life. This means that God has granted the soul the grace of a vocation, or the invitation to intimately participate in ministry of His Church or to live, pray and work closer to Himself by living a life that is removed from the world. A vocation to the priesthood is a specific calling a young man feels to enter a seminary in order to train to become a priest. This calling may be simply a desire to serve as a priest, an intellectual resolution based on self evaluation, a religious experience (though these are rare and not to be looked for), or a recommendation by a parish priest or retreat master. A vocation to the priesthood is confirmed when the candidate enters the religious state and when the Church calls him to approach for ordination.

What has the author David Ranson written?

David Ranson has written: 'The contemporary challenge of priestly life' -- subject(s): Pastoral theology, Vocation (in religious orders, congregations, etc.), Priesthood, Catholic Church 'The contemporary challenge of priestly life' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Pastoral theology, Vocation (in religious orders, congregations, etc.), Priesthood

What is a sacrament of vocation?

Vocation is a life choice. Holy Orders - when one enters into a life as a member of a holy order - priests, nuns, brothers etc. Sacrament of Marriage - when two people get married within the Church. Single life - another vocation though not sacramental. This is when someone makes the conscious decision to lead and single life within the Church.

What is religous vocation?

a vocation is a call to a way of life

Are Bishops allowed to get married?

Neither priests nor bishops nor any clergy men are allowed to get married as per the Roman Catholic Church rules. If someone wants to get married then they have to leave their holy life (i.e. priesthood) and live life like a lay person and get married.

What does live life to the full have to do with vocation?

Living life to the full is a call from God. Which is the same as Vocation is intended. God has given you a particular vocation, he wants you to live the full out of it in your own life. He wants you to perform the vocations through your whole life, not a single short stage.

To be Catholic do you always become a priest or a nun?

No. Not every Catholic is called to the religious life or the priesthood. God calls some Catholics to the married life, and some Catholics serve the Church in the single life.

Why cant Catholic priest get married?

Because they are married to God. Just as a Nun is - they are the bride or groom of Jesus/God. Besides, they are counselors and often the desire to be sexual can override good sense, so staying out of being sexual is better for the church. Update: Catholic priests do not marry, so that they can devote themselves to their parishioners and their life of serving the Church. As St. Paul says, a married man has to concern himself with his family - his family is his primary responsibility. An unmarried man can devote himself to the Church. When a man follows the path to the priesthood, he obviously knows that he is committing himself to an unmarried vocation, so it's not as if he is "forced" into that position. Guys who become priests know what they're getting into. Do they know how hard it will be? No, but what man knows how hard being married will be? You commit, then you work hard to stick with your commitment.

What was the Virgin Mary's vocation?

A vocation is what one is called to do with one's life. The Blessed Virgin received her vocation directly from God through the Archangel when he asked her if she would give birth to God. So her vocation was to be the Mother of God.

Who has had a vocation?

I'm unsure as to how this specifically might relate to a religious question, but "vocation" is basically another word for "career" or "job." So, anyone who has ever had a job could be said to have had a "vocation." In the Catholic church "vocation" also refers to those who take a religious life - monks and nuns. Such a life is said to be their calling.

A sentence with the word convocation?

I believe it involves priesthood. Having a good day. Thank you good sir for asking that question. Have a fine rest of your life