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The Prayers of the Faithful (or General Intercessions) are what follow the Creed during the celebration of the Eucharist in Catholic, Anglican and some other churches; they are usually led by either a deacon or member of the congregation. Basically, the person leading the prayers, offers an intention for the congregation to pray; this may be followed by a moment of silence before saying something like "For this we pray to the Lord" and the congregations responds with "Lord, hear our prayer" or similar words. According to the Catholic Church's "General Instruction on the Roman Missal" the Prayers of the Faithful should " included in all Masses celebrated with a congregation, so that intercessions may be made for the Church, for civil authorities, for those oppressed by various needs, for the whole human race and for the salvation of the world" (paragraph 45). It is also normal that, in practice, the last prayer is for those who have died which is then followed by silence for people to offer their own prayer to God.

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9mo ago

In the prayers of the faithful, also known as the general intercessions, the congregation offers petitions to God for the needs of the Church, the world, and the community. Typically, there are several intentions read by a lector or the priest, with the congregation responding in prayer or silence.

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