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Renaissance. A new age in European civilization that started in Italy in the 14th century and culminated in the 16th century. It was marked by the revival of learning, art, and architecture and by the upsurge of Humanism, philosophy, vernacular literature, and printing.

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St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City was rebuilt during the Renaissance. Designed by famous artists such as Michelangelo and Bernini, it is one of the most renowned churches in the world for its grandeur and significance in architectural history.

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Q: What famous church was rebuilt in the Renaissance?
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What two religions were founded during the English renaissance?

The two religions founded during the English Renaissance were Anglicanism, with Henry VIII establishing the Church of England in the 16th century, and Puritanism, which emerged as a reaction against the perceived corruption within the Church of England. Anglicanism became the established church in England, while Puritans sought to purify and reform it further.

What are the rebuilding dates for Mission Santa Clara?

Mission Santa Clara was founded on January 12, 1777, but it was destroyed in a flood in 1779 and rebuilt in 1781. The current church building dates back to 1928, after the original structure was demolished and rebuilt due to earthquake damage.

What religions existed during the Renaissance period?

During the Renaissance period, there was a mix of religions in different regions of Europe, including Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, and Islam. The dominant religion in many parts of Europe was Catholicism, but there was also a growing influence of Protestantism, especially after the Protestant Reformation. Additionally, there were pockets of Jewish and Islamic communities in various parts of Europe.

The church's interpretation of the bible was ridiculed in what work?

The church's interpretation of the Bible was ridiculed in the Renaissance humanist work "The Praise of Folly" by Erasmus. This satire criticized the corruption and ignorance within the church, including its narrow interpretations of scripture.

Who was Desiderius Erasmas?

Desiderius Erasmus was a Dutch Renaissance humanist, scholar, and theologian. He is best known for his works on education, classical philosophy, and critiques of the Catholic Church during the Reformation. Erasmus's most famous work is "The Praise of Folly," where he satirically criticizes the practices of the church and society.

Related questions

Why was Shakespeare so famous during the renaissance?

shakespear was famous becaue it was considered a crime to paint any painting that the church did not like.

Who seemed to be in charge of the church during the Renaissance?

The Pope was in charge of the church during the Renaissance. Throughout the Renaissance, there were several popes.

What church did Saint Francis rebuild?

He rebuilt the Church of San Damiano.

Why did the Italian Renaissance fall during the 16th century?

The Renaissance did not fall as such; but the most powerful and richest influence in Italy was the Vatican. Then (as now) the Catholic Church obstructed the progress of science; the most famous example being the Church's persecution of the great genius Galileo.

What type of northern renaissance was used for outside church services?

Secular Renaissance track used to be written for leisure functions and is used backyard of the church. For example, Madrigals are secular vocal songs besides accompaniment that had been famous for the duration of Europe.

How many time did the padres along with the native californians built and rebuilt the church?

first of all they did not rebuilt it the church was never touched and people would never aloud people to rebuilt it this question is dumb people think

Why did the Catholic Church allow the Renaissance?

Answer by a CatholicI don't think the Church had much say in the whether the Renaissance happened or not.

What are some Famous statues from the Renaissance?

By far the most famous Renaissance statue is the David by Michelangelo.

Were two famous astronomers during the Renaissance?

Newtown and Kepler were two famous astronomers during the Renaissance.

Who were the two famous astronomers during the renaissance?

Newtown and Kepler were two famous astronomers during the Renaissance.

What institution supported music in Renaissance society?

The Renaissance was a period in history in which the arts flourished. The church was an institution which supported music in society.

Who is a famous explorer from the Renaissance period?

Three famous explorers of the Renaissance are Hernand Cortes, Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan