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Using reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions involves critically examining these beliefs or practices to assess their validity, coherence, and relevance. It involves questioning assumptions, seeking evidence, and engaging in logical analysis to determine whether these longstanding beliefs or practices are still justified and rational in light of new information or changing social norms.

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Q: What does using reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions mean?
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How would one define the word heretic?

A heretic is someone who holds beliefs that contradict or go against the established teachings or doctrines of a particular religion or belief system. This term is often used to describe someone who is considered to be deviating from accepted beliefs or practices.

What are religious ideas that oppose accepted church teachings?

Some religious ideas that oppose accepted church teachings include beliefs in multiple gods, the rejection of organized religion as a means to connect with the divine, and the idea that salvation can be achieved through personal spiritual experiences rather than adherence to specific doctrines or rituals.

What is doctrines?

A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategy.The word "doctrine" means a system of belief. Each religion has one or more. Which religion are you asking about and which doctrine?

What is the religion in which polyandry is allowed?

Polyandry, where a woman has multiple husbands simultaneously, is most commonly practiced in some forms of Hinduism, particularly in certain regions of India and Nepal. This practice is often associated with cultural traditions and is not widely accepted in mainstream Hinduism.

Who teaches a false doctrine?

It is difficult to definitively say who teaches a false doctrine, as beliefs can vary widely among individuals and organizations. Generally, false doctrines are teachings that deviate from widely accepted religious or philosophical principles. It is important to critically evaluate teachings and seek guidance from reputable sources to discern what is true and what is not.

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What does using reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions in simple words?

Using reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions means critically evaluating these beliefs or practices by thinking logically and using evidence to determine their validity or accuracy. It involves questioning old assumptions and beliefs to see if they stand up to rational examination.

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The process of arriving at a specific conclusion based on previously accepted general statements? Is called extrapolation.

What are heresies?

Opinions, doctrines, or practices contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs, teaching or standards.

What is church doctrines?

The church doctrine is the teachings of a religious group. They are typically accepted by the religious group as a whole.

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the process of deducing a new formula, theorem, etc., from previously accepted statements. • a sequence of statements showing that a formula, theorem, etc., is a consequence of previously accepted statements.

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The Enlightenment movement emphasized reason, individualism, and skepticism towards authority. It promoted ideas of freedom, equality, and human rights, contributing to major political and social transformations in Europe.

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A theorem is defined to be a statement proved on the basis of previously accepted axioms.

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What is a non codified form of law based on long accepted customs and traditions?

This is called common law.

What is a non-codified form of law that is based on long-accepted customs and traditions?

This is called common law.

What is the process of arriving at a specific conclusion based on previously accepted general statements called?

deductive reasoning