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There is no doubt that Mary Mackillop was a saintly person, but for the Catholic Church to recognise someone officially as a saint, it must determine that the person performed at least two miracles, usually after death. In modern times, the most useful miracles for this purpose are those involving cures of cancer, because cancer is so feared, but also because unexplained cures of cancer do occur with surprising regularity. Thus, two cancer remissions are attributed to the intercession of Mary Mackillop, one of leukemia and one of lung cancer. Both patients were women, one known only as 'X' and the other Kathleen Evans. Anecdotal evidence is that a great many Catholics have prayed to Mary Mackillop for their own cures, but for the main part their illnesses progressed as diagnosed.

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Mary MacKillop was eligible to become a saint in the Catholic Church due to her dedication to serving the poor and marginalized through education. She founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart and worked tirelessly to establish schools, particularly for underprivileged children in rural areas, which aligned with the criteria for sainthood of living a life of heroic virtue. Her selfless actions and commitment to her faith led to her beatification in 1995 and eventual canonization as Australia's first saint in 2010.

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How is Mary Mackillop referred to?

She is referred to as Saint Mary Mackillop.

Who was the first Australian person to become a saint?

Mary MacKillop, in 2010

What is Saint Mary MacKillop's birthday?

Saint Mary MacKillop was born on January 15, 1842.

Why is Mary Mackillop famous?

se was the first person in Australia to become a saint

How is Mary Mackillop inspirational?

Mary mackillop is a inspiration to us all because she gave children in need of a education an education and now is going to become Australia's first saint, with out Mary mackillop would we have education probably not so now we have an education thanks to Mary mackillop

How old was Saint Mary MacKillop at death?

Saint Mary MacKillop died on August 8, 1909 at the age of 67.

What day did Mary Mackillop become a saint?

The canonization date for Australia's first saint was October 17, 2010.

What day will Mary Mackillop become a saint?

The canonization date for Australia's first saint is Octover 17, 2010.

When did Saint Mary MacKillop die?

Blessed Mary McKillop died on August 8, 1909.

Who is like Mary Mackillop?

Mary Mackillop is a saint. Actually she was the first saint in australia. She helped a lot of people through her life!

Is Mary Mackillop the mother of Jesus?

No, Mary MacKillop is a saint from Australia who was only recently canonized.

Was Saint Mary Mackillop the first saint in Australia?
