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Jerusalem It appears to be Rome. Acts chapter 28

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The book of Acts ends with the Apostle Paul in Rome, where he is under house arrest awaiting trial.

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Q: What city does the book of acts end in?
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The book of Acts begins in what city and ends in what city?

The Book of Acts begins in Jerusalem and ends in Rome.

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The book of Acts was written by Luke, while he was in Rome staying with the Apostle Paul.

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The book of Acts is often considered the second part of Luke

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The book of Acts is not a epistle, it is called as The Book of Acts.

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the key event that opens the book of acts is the day of pentecost

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The book that comes after the Gospels in the New Testament is the Acts of the Apostles.

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The world technically did not end. In the first book, they just left it. They left it because supplies and electricity were running out.

What book is written after the Gospels?

The book written after the Gospels in the New Testament is the Book of Acts, also known as the Acts of the Apostles. It provides a historical account of the early Christian church and the spread of Christianity after the death and resurrection of Jesus.