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The three great monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Any three of the following:

  • Zoroastrianism
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Sikhism
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4mo ago

Three great monotheistic faiths are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. These religions believe in one supreme, all-powerful deity and have millions of followers worldwide. Their teachings are centered around moral values, spiritual guidance, and a deep connection to God.

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7y ago

They are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Even, (Aa)Bhrahmanism which is the previous religion of Aryans before they invaded India and merged with Indian tribes' religions (Saiva, Vaishnava, Bhuddha) and became "Hindus" also one of main Abhrahamic religions.

Islamic View:

Islam is not an offshoot of Judaism. It is original revelations uncorrupted by man. The message as God intended it long before judaism and during the time of prophet Moses, Christ and Muhammad peace be upon them all. The message was and still is the word of Allah.

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11y ago

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Also Bahai and Zoroastrian. Hindus believe in one supreme God over all the lesser gods, so it is also monotheistic. Their lesser gods, which embody individual traits of divinity, can be regarded in a similar light as Christian saints who embody individual attributes of God.

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11y ago

Monotheistic means a belief in just one god.

The three religions are (in order of start).

  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Muslim-ism (Islam)

It is also interesting to note that these three religions actually believe in the SAME single god.


Islam, Judaism, Christianity, also known as the Religions of the Book or the Abrahamic religions, are the three main monotheistic religions, though there are countless smaller ones. These three religions come from the same branch; Abraham, a citizen of the Babylonian city of Ur, who decided (or was told by God) that, rather than worshiping dozens of Babylonian Gods, he would worship just the one. There are also theories that monotheism truly started in Egypt, when Akhenaton tried to instigate the worship of Aten as a single god.

Minor monotheistic religions include : Shonan, Dogon, Massai, and Carib.

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13y ago
  1. Christianity
  2. Islam
  3. Sikhism
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11y ago

The three major Monotheistic Religions are:

1. Christianity

2. Islam

3. Judaism

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12y ago


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8y ago

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

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Q: What are three great monotheistic faiths?
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What are thet three largest monotheistic faiths?

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What are the monotheistic faiths?

The 3 main monotheistic faiths are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

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What are the three great monotheistic faiths?

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The three Abrahamic faiths; Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have very similar religious beliefs. They all have roots from the "Father of the Faith" Abraham. They are strictly monotheistic faiths and worship the same God in different ways. Please see the link for article.

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All three are monotheistic faiths, originating from Abraham, the old testament prophet. They also have: * a belief in the one-ness of God. * a belief in the judgement * a belief in the prophets * a holy book. * MonothesmThey are all monotheistic religions, meaning there is only one God.

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