In Greek mythology, Poseidon was the creator of:
Poseidon did not create any animals. In Greek mythology, Poseidon was the god of the sea and earthquakes, and his domain was primarily focused on water and the oceans. Other gods and goddesses, such as Gaia (Mother Earth) and various Titans, were associated with the creation of animals in different mythological stories.
The god of animals in Greek mythology was Pan. He was a rustic god often depicted with the horns, legs, and tail of a goat. Pan was associated with shepherds, flocks, and the wilderness.
The name Poseidon means "lord" or "husband" in Greek. Poseidon was the god of the sea and earthquakes in Greek mythology, known for his power and role as a major deity among the Olympian gods.
Different religious beliefs and interpretations vary, but some view animals as part of God's creation to exist alongside humans, adding diversity and balance to the world. Animals may also be seen as a sign of God's power and creativity. Overall, the purpose of animals in creation is often viewed as part of the divine plan, serving various roles in the ecosystem and in humans' lives.
On day 5, God created the birds of the air and the creatures of the sea. He blessed them and commanded them to multiply and fill the waters and the skies.
Posiedon was a Greek God, his dad was a titan, or, better known as Kronus. H didn`t have an aunt or uncle written down in history or that we even know of!
They didn't create him.. he was born by Rhea and Cronos.
Odysseus stabbed the Cyclops (Poseidon's son) in the eye.
No, in Greek mythology, Zeus is the god associated with lightning and thunder, not Poseidon. Poseidon is the god of the sea and earthquakes.
He created the horse.
Poseidon was the God of Earthquakes and the Seaposeidon can control bodies of water.he can also comunicate with animals mainly sea animals ex. sea horses and fish.
Poseidon was the God of Earthquakes and the Seaposeidon can control bodies of water.he can also comunicate with animals mainly sea animals ex. sea horses and fish.
all forms of equui.
Fish, Dolphin, Horse and Bull.
To most, yes. You see, a cyclops are create by a god and a nymph. Though Poseidon is the most common father of cyclops.
Horses to pull Athena's chariot