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John was the oldest of the disciples.

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10mo ago

John was not the oldest of the disciples. It is believed that Peter was the oldest among the twelve disciples of Jesus.

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Who lived to be the oldest disciple in the bible?

Traditionally John is believed to have been the disciple who lived to the oldest age. He died of natural causes whereas most of the other disciples were martyred while still young.

Did John have disciples?

Yes he did.

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After He is baptized by John, Jesus begins to call His disciples (John 1:35-51).

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Matthew and John were disciples.

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It is not known who the oldest of the twelve disciples were as their ages are not listed. However, the Apostle John, by tradition, lived the longest. He died somewhere around the end of the first century or the beginning of the second. He was probably somewhere near 100 years old.

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John is one of the disciples of Jesus Christ.

Whowastheyoungest of Disciples?

The youngest disciple was John.

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