Senkara is a fictional character from the video game "Final Fantasy X-2". In the game, Senkara is a deity worshiped by the Leblanc Syndicate. Therefore, Senkara is not a real god in any religious or historical context.
The existence of God is a matter of personal belief and faith. Some people believe that God is real and the creator of all things, while others view the concept of God as a creation of human civilization to explain the unknown and provide moral guidance. Ultimately, the question of God's existence is subjective and varies among individuals and cultures.
Chemical formulae exist to describe the composition of real things. Christians and most other religions describe their various gods as being supernatural and not made of matter. Atheists deny the existence of any god(s). In either case a chemical composition cannot be described for anything not made of real matter or which does not exist. Accordingly, there is no chemical composition for "God" or any other supernatural being.
It depends on which community of Believers you ask. For the Jews it was YHWH or 'Adonai, for Christians, YHWH and, more simply, Father. For Muslims it is Allah, for Polynesians Te Atua. According to Psalms 83:18 God's name is Jehovah.
People who do not believe in a god are called atheists.
As real as any other god or goddess
Well,no.But God is in your heart.You don't need a photo to believe in him.
It depends of were you stand and how you think. if you belive in god no this is not the real world its a test but killing your self will not let you free. if you dont belive in any sort of god than this is the real world and this is all you will ever know, or so you think in less god is real.
Probably as real as any other However, Father Enki is the original ancient god and is more accurate in history than any other figures. Jesus, on the hand, is not God or son of God as men made up a story about a jew claiming him as God. The real god are demons and Enki. And if you still don't believe, try do a search for JoyofSatan ministry and you will see exactly what I'm talking about.
god is real just like you and me are real
No. Printed or textual prayers are not the real prayer. Any form of conversation with God with devotion is considered as real prayer.
Of course not!only god is real!!!
Are God and heaven real?* Yes.
All they can do is to say what they believe in because that is what religion is about, faith. There are no real proof God of any religion exists. They feel they can see God in everything, in nature, a child's smile, someone acting a certain way etc.
no its not real because just because the movie "2012" doesn't mean its real any ways why would god destroy our earth? No my child 2012 is not real don't believe what movies say it's not true only god will decide when our time has come to an end.
jeasus is gods son and although he is not the real god he sits and watches over us to he is moon while god is sun
No, the only real God is the God of the Bible.