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No, Malachi is the last book of the old testament

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9mo ago

No, the last book of the Old Testament is Malachi. Zechariah is the second to last book in the Old Testament.

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Q: Is the last book of old testament is Zechariah?
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Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.

Where is the story of Zechariah?

Zechariah, the prophet, appears in the Old Testament book which bears his name. Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, is mentioned in Luke 1.

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The book before Zechariah in the Old Testament is Haggai. It consists of two chapters and focuses on encouraging the people to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.

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The second book of the Bible is the book of Exodus. In Hebrew it is called Shmot.

What was the last book in the Old Testament called?

In the King James version the last book in the Old Testament is Malachi

Which book concludes the Christian Old Testament?

Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament.

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"Malachi" is the last Book in the Bible's Old Testament a/k/a the Jewish Tanakh.

What is the name of the last book of the Old Testaments?

The modern arrangement of books in the Old Testament part of the Bible has the Book of Malachi as the final OT book. For Jews who call the written Torah the Tanakh with the section called the Kethuvim (Writings) list Chronicles as the final 'scroll.'

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Zephaniah and Zechariah.

Who was the first and the last person murdered in the Old Testament?

Abel was the first (Ge. 4:8-12) and Zechariah was the last (2 Chron.).