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Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the bible.

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9mo ago

No, Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in The Bible with only two verses. Psalm 23 is longer with six verses.

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Q: Is Psalms 23 the shortest chapter in the Bible?
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Psalms 23:1- The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.

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Psalm 23.

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In the Gospels Matthew, chapter 27 Mark, chapter 15 Luke, chapter 23 John, 19

In what book of the bible does mercy appear?

The concept of mercy appears throughout the Bible, but it is particularly emphasized in the Book of Psalms, especially in Psalms 103 and 136. In these psalms, the authors praise God for His abundant mercy and express gratitude for His forgiveness and compassion.

Why is the 23rd Psalm named thusly?

Because it comes from the Bible - the Book of Psalms in the Old testament, and this particular psalm is number 23 out of the 150 psalms listed there. In the Bible there are just 150 psalms, although there are others too (the so-called psalm 151, 152 etc) but these were not included in the Old testament. The psalms were listed in various ways, groups of psalms written by King David, others by Solomon, his son, and others by unknown writers. Some were grouped as praise psalms, some as psalms of penitence and so on. Psalm 23 was written by King David as a devotional psalm likening God to a shepherd - something with which David was familiar as he was himself a shepherd when he was a young boy.

Who wrote the psalms 23?

King David wrote Tihimim/Psalms

What kind of book is Psalm 23 located in?

Psalm 23 is a chapter that is located in the bible. If one is interested in reading more about this, check out Bible Gateway. This site allows readers to view the entire bible free of charge.

How are things accomplished in psalms 23?

Psalms 23 says that everything will be accomplished with and through the Lord, and therefore everything will be good.