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All the plagues were designed to discredit the pagan God's of Egypt.

The first plague was the turning of the Nile into blood. This disgraced Egypt's Nile god 'Hapi', and destroyed the fish, some of which were worshiped and even mummified by the Egyptians. (Exodus 7:19-21)

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The first plague that God sent to the Egyptians was turning the Nile River into blood. This plague was meant to show God's power and to compel Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.

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Boils. Horrible boils break out on everyone even magicians cannot do anything because they have boils also.

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Q: What was the FIRST plague God sent to the Egyptians?
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What is one reason the Egyptians did not like the plagues of frogs and lice and flies that God sent?

The plagues of frogs, lice, and flies brought discomfort, disease, and destruction to the Egyptians, disrupting their daily lives and causing suffering and distress. These plagues also demonstrated the power and authority of the God of the Israelites over the gods of Egypt, challenging the Egyptians' beliefs and authority.

How did God punish the Egyptians after Moses talked to the Pharaoh?

God inflicted ten plagues on the Egyptians, including turning the Nile River into blood, sending locusts and frogs, and causing darkness. The most severe punishment was the death of the firstborn in every Egyptian household, leading to the eventual release of the Israelites from slavery.

How did the Egyptians chase the Israelites if God killed their horses in one of the plagues?

In the Bible, it is not explicitly stated that God killed the horses of the Egyptians during the plagues. However, it is believed that the Egyptians may have used other means of transportation or animals to pursue the Israelites, such as chariots pulled by other animals or on foot.

How do you say god sent?

In English, "god sent" means an act or thing perceived as having been originated by a divine agency.

What is the timespan of the 10 plagues?

The ten plagues in the Book of Exodus lasted for about one year, starting from the first plague of blood and ending with the final plague of the death of the firstborn in Egypt. Each plague was sent to convince Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery.

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What job did God give the grasshopper?

In the Biblical book of Exodus, He sent locusts to plague the Egyptians. Locusts are a form of grasshoppers.

Who believed the Exodus showed God's powers?

Exodus means "to exit". And yes, it shows what awsome and powerful God the Isralites have. God himself harden the heart of Pharoh not to let go of God's people for God can magnify and glorify what God can do. Plus, God had sent all those plagues to ashame all the Egyptians 'gods". For every main god the egyptians served, God sent a plague.

What was the first plague to hit the Egyptians at Passover?

The first plague was that God told Moses to raise his staff and bang it on the ground near the Nile. This turned all the water in the Nile to blood.

What event allowed the israelites to pass safely out of Egypt?

The Ten Plagues, sent by God (Exodus ch.7-12), softened up the Egyptians; and the last Plague left them reeling.

What do locusts represent?

a plague sent by god to punish the infidels.

What was the worst plague Moses sent?

Moses didn't send the plagues. God did. But I believe that the death of the first born would be the worst.

Which god did the Egyptians believe was the first to be mummified?

The Egyptians believed that Osiris, the god of the dead, was the first to be mummified.

What happenned in Egypt at the end of all the plagues?

The last plague, involving the death of the firstborn of all the Egyptians, including Pharaoh's, precipitated the Exodus. The Egyptians sent them out in haste saying 'we be all dead men.' God had sent his 'death angel' throughout Egypt and the Egyptians, who were not 'covered by the blood of the lamb' suffered the consequences, of course brought upon them by the intransigence of their Pharaoh. The Israelites then left in what is usually referred to as the Exodus.

Why did Moses send the 10 plagues?

God sent the 10 plagues in Egypt because the Pharaoh wouldn't obey God's message through Moses to let the Israelites leave slavery. Pharaoh said he would after every plague to get rid of them, but changed his mind. After the last plague, involving Pharaoh's son to die, he finally gave in and the Israelites escaped Egypt.

Does Moses send a plague Egypt?

No they were all ten of them sent by god on the land of Egypt.

How many plague sent upon Egypt?

God sent ten plagues trying to prove Pharaoh (Rameses the second) that God is real and letting the Isrealites free from slavery. Seven days of blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of the Egyptians' animals, boils (sores), hail, locusts, three days of darkness, and the firstborn of Egypt.

What is one reason the Egyptians did not like the plagues of frogs and lice and flies that God sent?

The plagues of frogs, lice, and flies brought discomfort, disease, and destruction to the Egyptians, disrupting their daily lives and causing suffering and distress. These plagues also demonstrated the power and authority of the God of the Israelites over the gods of Egypt, challenging the Egyptians' beliefs and authority.