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They were used on flags and, in the crusader times, to shoe what force you were in or supported. Fish/cross = Crusaders

Jew Star = Jewish merchants whom were neutral

Crescent moon with small star = Muslims who were trying to reclaim jereuselam

" " " " with cross instead of star = Muslims who were either neutral, merchants . or crusader allies.

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Religious icons were used in Christianity and other religions as holy images or objects meant to aid in prayer and meditation. They served as a visual representation of religious figures or events, and were believed to possess spiritual significance and help believers connect with the divine. Icons were often venerated and used as a means of expressing faith and devotion.

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What is painting of a religious image is known as?

A painting of a religious image is known as an icon. Icons are commonly used in various religious traditions, such as Christian Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches, as objects of veneration and meditation. The process of creating icons follows specific guidelines established by the tradition they belong to.

What is a picture of a saint called?

A picture of a saint is called an icon. Icons are religious images that hold symbolic meaning and are used in various Christian traditions for prayer and worship.

Iconoclasm means the what of images based on religious beliefs?

Iconoclasm means the destruction or rejection of religious images or icons based on religious beliefs. It is often carried out as part of religious reform or as a response to the belief that the images are idolatrous.

What is a religious artefact?

A religious artefact is an object that holds religious or spiritual significance within a particular faith or tradition. These items are often used in religious ceremonies, rituals, or as symbols of faith and devotion. Examples include statues, relics, icons, prayer beads, and ceremonial tools.

What are images of Jesus Mary or the saints caled?

Images of Jesus, Mary, and the saints are called icons. In the Christian tradition, icons are considered sacred representations that aid in prayer and meditation. They are used as visual aids to connect with the divine and serve as reminders of the presence of God and the example of the saints.

Related questions

Where are religious icons used?

Religious Icons are used everywhere to those who have different Religions. I'm a Catholic so we have icons such as the cross and tabernacle in our Church. They could be anywhere really just depending on your religious beliefs.

Where did religious icons come from?

Most of the religious icons came from Russia.

Who adopted the Chihuahua as sacred icons of the upper class and used them in religious ceremonies?

The Aztecs

How Religious icons some of which are very beautiful and ornate are simply of a holy subject?

Religious icons, whether ornate or simple, serve as visual representations of holy subjects that are revered and worshipped by believers. These icons are meant to inspire faith, focus prayer, and serve as a reminder of the divine presence in the lives of the faithful. The beauty and artistry of these icons are used to convey the sacredness and importance of the figures they represent.

What caused the strain in the Christian church in 730?

In 730, the Byzantine emperor Leo III banned the use of icons. Icons are religious images used by Eastern Christians to aid their prayers.

What is painting of a religious image is known as?

A painting of a religious image is known as an icon. Icons are commonly used in various religious traditions, such as Christian Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches, as objects of veneration and meditation. The process of creating icons follows specific guidelines established by the tradition they belong to.

The iconoclast controversy was about?

the display of religious icons in the church.

What event cause a strain in the Christian church in 730?

In 730, the Byzantine emperor Leo III banned the use of icons. Icons are religious images used by Eastern Christians to aid their prayers.

What events caused a strain in the christian church in 730?

In 730, the Byzantine emperor Leo III banned the use of icons. Icons are religious images used by Eastern Christians to aid their prayers.

What can you find in a grotto?

Most often you will find religious shrines/statues of religious icons (e.g., Lady of Lourdes).

What is a picture of a saint called?

A picture of a saint is called an icon. Icons are religious images that hold symbolic meaning and are used in various Christian traditions for prayer and worship.

How are Icons used in Christianity?

actually Christians do do not use icons