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How old was David when he was first anointed by Samuel at Jesse's. How many years was David being chased by Saul. What was the age of David when he became King over Judah and Israel.

According to the sub-commentary in the KJV Life Application Study Bible for Psalm 27:14 suggests that David was 16 when he was anointed by Samuel at his father Jesse's house and became king at the age of 30.
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14y ago
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12y ago

David was 29 when he was anointed by Samuel, he became king in Hebron when he was 30.
Around the age of 30.
TheBible states that when Samuel came to anoint David, he was Jesse last son a boy.

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4mo ago

David was around 15-16 years old when he was anointed by Samuel as the future king of Israel.

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13y ago

David died of old age the age is not mentioned in The Bible.

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13y ago

David became King when he was 37 year old.

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12y ago

There is no definitive answer. Those sources that do answer this question place his age in the mid to late teens or early twenties.

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13y ago

David was only a teenager when Samuel anointed him he could have been 17 years at the very most.

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Q: How old was david when he was anointed by Samuel?
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David was anointed by Samuel in front of his brothers. (1 Samuel 16:10+13)

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Yes, David was anointed by Samuel with oil as the future king of Israel. Samuel anointed him in private, indicating that God had chosen him to be the next king after Saul.

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Many believe he was 17, but the exact number isn't in the Bible. It was 12 years before he became king after he was anointed. He was young enough to be described as a boy, but old enough to marry Saul's daughter as a reward for killing Goliath.

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