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Although no official list of canonized saints in the Catholic Church exists, it would be safe to assume that there are roughly 10,000 officially canonized saints. Because of the nature of canonization, which includes rigorous investigation into the deceased's life and the evidence needed for two miracles, it would not be wrong to say that the 10,000 number is on the low side of the actual amount.

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9y ago

Nobody seems to know. However, a good guess would be between 10,000 and 20,000 recognized saints, including some who are venerated locally and not by the Universal Church. Of course, there are millions of other saints who are known only to God who have not been recognized by the Church.

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5mo ago

There is no definitive number of saints in the Catholic Church, as new individuals are canonized periodically. However, there are thousands of saints officially recognized by the Church.

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