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Saint Nicholas is the correct spelling.

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9mo ago

The correct spelling is S-A-I-N-T, followed by a space, then N-I-C-H-O-L-A-S.

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Saint Nicholas is often referred to as Saint Nicholas of Myra or Nicholas of Bari.

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Saint Nicholas of Myra was of Greek origin.

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No. Saint Nicholas is a Christian festival.

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Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra in Turkey,

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The title of Saint Nicholas of Myra was 'Bishop."

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Saint Nicholas of Myra was a Catholic bishop.

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Santa is "Santa Claus" (from Saint Nicholas, as Nicolaus).

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St. Nicholas is not the patron saint of Turkey. He is the patron saint of Russia and Greece.

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St. Nicholas of Myra is the patron saint of Greece and Russia.

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Nicholas of Myra is the patron saint of Greece and Russia.