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aeternitas (gen. aeternitatis)

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

"Γ†ternitas" is how you say eternity in Latin.

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Q: How do you say eternity in Latin?
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Do you say 'an eternity' or just 'eternity?

You would say, "An eternity."

How do you say I will be yours for ever more in latin?

Tuus in aeternum means Yours in eternity which has the same meaning

How do you say in Latin What is this to eternity?

This is a quotation from St. Aloysius, I believe. Quid est hoc ad aeternitatem

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you say helmet in latin (casco)<- in latin

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eternity = síoraíocht

How do you say who am I in Latin?

To say "Who am I?" in Latin you can say "quisnam sum Ego?"

How do you say eternity in Shakespeare?

"Shakespeare" is not a language. Shakespeare wrote in modern English and thus "eternity" is expressed by the English word "eternity" As in, "all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity." (Hamlet Act 1, Scene 2)

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How do you say determined in Latin?

How do you say Negative in Latin?

infitialis is the word we say in latin