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Most mosques have a niche in the wall that indicates the direction of Mecca (this direction is known as qibla.

Otherwise, one can use a number of methods to determine the direction. For example, if you know a certain street runs north-south, you can use this to determine one direction, and thus find the qibla. If outside, one can use the location of the sun, stars, or even the moss on trees (in the Northern Hemisphere, moss grows on the northern side. In the Southern Hemisphere, it grows on the southern side.).

If one has no way of knowing the direction of qibla, one can just pick a direction and pray, because it is the intention that counts.



Qibla is the direction of the building of Ka'ba located in Mecca. Formerly the Qibla used to be Quds (Jerusalem). Seventeen months after the Hegira, at the third rak'at of the early afternoon or late afternoon prayer of a Tuesday in the middle of Sha'bân, Muslims were commanded to turn towards Ka'ba. According to Hanafî and Mâlikî Madhhabs, namâz will be accepted if the opening between the crosswise directions of the optic nerves includes Ka'ba. This angle is approximately 45°.

The Qibla is not the building of Ka'ba; it is its building plot. That is, that space from the Earth to 'Arsh is the Qibla. For this reason, a person who is down in a well, [under the sea], on top of a high mountain [or on a plane] can perform namâz in that direction.

It is permissible, even when performing the namâz that is fard, to deviate from the direction of Qibla when there is the fear of illness, enemy or thief, or by mistake, but it is a must to turn towards the Qibla when performing it on a ship or train.

At places where there is no mihrâb [it is a niche in the wall of a mosque that indicates the qibla] and where the Qibla cannot be found by calculation or with the help of the Pole-Star [a compass], true Muslims who know which direction the Qibla is must be consulted. We should not ask disbelievers, fâsiqs [people who sin frankly], or children. Disbelievers and sinners can be believed in mu'amalât (business transactions and social dealings), but not in diyânât [worships]. When you have no one with you who knows about the Qibla, you need not look for one. You must search for it yourself and then perform namâz towards the direction you have decided to be the Qibla. If later you find out that it was the wrong direction, you do not have to perform the namâz again.

If people who do not know the direction of Qibla perform namâz without looking at the mihrâb or asking someone who knows or trying to find out, their namâz will not be accepted even if they have found the Qibla by chance. But if they find out after the namâz that they have found the right direction, it will be accepted. If they find it out during the namâz, it will not be accepted. If they have inquired for the Qibla but have not performed the namâz in the direction which they have decided to be right, they have to perform it again even if they understand that they have found the right direction by chance.

Likewise, people who perform namâz though they think that they do not have an ablution, that their clothes are najs, or that it is not prayer time yet, and who find out later that their thought has not been correct, perform the namâz again.

[To determine the direction of Qibla, a rod is erected at a place taking sunrise. Or a key or a piece of stone tied to the end of a piece of string and let to hang loosely. At (the time of Qibla) read on the daily calendar, the shadow of the rod or the string shows the direction of qibla, as the Sun is overhead the direction of qibla. The Sun is on the Qibla side of the shadow.]


Answer 2:

You can easily locate the qibla direction of a certain place by means of the Qibla Locator program

The red line on the map indicates the qibla direction.

With searching feature, you can reach without difficulty the map of any city you desire. Clicking on (+) and (-) buttons, you can zoom the map in and out. Also, you can move the map toward the direction you wish with the help of the mouse. Moreover, it is possible to determine the direction of the qibla by zooming the map in until you see the street, even the house or workplace, you want. If you select the Satellite or Hybrid Map, you can find the building you are looking for more easily when you zoom in on the map.

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8mo ago

Muslims determine the direction of Mecca by using a compass or a qibla app on their smartphones. They align themselves towards the Kaaba, a holy structure in the Grand Mosque in Mecca, which serves as the focal point for their prayers. This practice is known as facing the qibla.

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Q: How do Muslims know which way to pray for Mecca?
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Do Muslims pray o show their beliefs?

Yes, Muslims pray as a way to show their beliefs in the oneness of God and their commitment to the principles of Islam. Prayer is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is seen as a fundamental act of worship and communication with God. Muslims pray five times a day facing the Kaaba in Mecca as a way to strengthen their faith and maintain a connection with their Creator.

Why Muslims wash before praying?

To purify themselves before going to pray to God. As we wash with water, its as if we're washing away all the bad stuff we may have done since last time. my answer:- to cleanse ourselves before we pray because we always urinate and stuff before we pray just like the answer above mine said.

Why do you pray to St. Patrick?

Many people pray to St. Patrick as a way of seeking his intercession and guidance in their lives. St. Patrick is considered the patron saint of Ireland and is often invoked for protection, faith, and strength. Praying to him is a way for believers to connect with his spiritual presence and ask for his help in their prayers.

What is one way in which the relationship between Muslims and Christians worsened?

One way in which the relationship between Muslims and Christians worsened was during the Crusades in the medieval period, where there was conflict over control of holy sites in the Middle East. This period of intense religious warfare and cultural clashes led to animosity and deepened religious divides between the two communities.

What is a prayer for doing your best?

"Dear God, grant me the strength, wisdom, and determination to do my best in all that I do. Guide my actions and thoughts so that they may be in alignment with your will. Help me to overcome any obstacles that stand in my way, and enable me to achieve excellence in everything I undertake. Amen."

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I don't think they do because they must be facing in the exact direction of Mecca. Muslims have a special compass that always points in the direction of Mecca. So it tells them which way to face when praying. Muslims do pray toward the direction Mecca based on where they are that that time. *As close as you can get to praying exactly toward Mecca.*

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