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The Second Great Awakening emphasized personal salvation and inspired individuals to work for social reform. This led to the rise of various reform movements like abolitionism, women's rights, temperance, and education reform. The religious fervor and belief in individual agency promoted by the Second Great Awakening fueled these reform efforts aimed at creating a more just and moral society.

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Q: How did the second great awakening spark other reformmovements?
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Where did the second great awakening begin?

The Second Great Awakening began in the United States during the late 18th century and lasted throughout the 19th century. It originated in New England and eventually spread to other parts of the country, leading to a significant increase in religious fervor and social reform movements.

What information would enhance your understanding of Occom's religious practices compared to those of other ministers during the Great Awakening?

More details about Occom's specific beliefs and how they differed from other ministers during the Great Awakening would be helpful. Additionally, information on any personal experiences or interactions he had with other ministers during this time could provide valuable insights into his religious practices. Understanding Occom's theological influences or sources of inspiration could also enhance our comprehension of his unique religious approach.

Which comes first the tribulation or second coming?

Yes it does and it will.The church will be taken out of the world before Gods great judgment falls upon it.Another answer:Many Christians believe that the "rapture" is false doctrine based on misinterpretations of Scripture, and that the tribulation is already well underway.

What is the goal of the second crusade?

The goal of the Second Crusade was to recapture the city of Edessa in the Holy Land, which had been lost to Muslim forces. It was also intended to reinforce the Kingdom of Jerusalem and secure other Christian territories in the region.

Was lucifer second to god?

In Christian theology, Lucifer is considered a fallen angel who rebelled against God. While some religious texts suggest that Lucifer was a high-ranking angel, he is not seen as a second to God in any way. God is seen as the supreme being in Christianity and not subordinate to any other being.

Related questions

How did the second great awakening encourage reform?

The second Great Awakening did change America as the people began viewing each other as equal before God.

Where did the second great awakening begin?

The Second Great Awakening began in the United States during the late 18th century and lasted throughout the 19th century. It originated in New England and eventually spread to other parts of the country, leading to a significant increase in religious fervor and social reform movements.

Where was the great awakening?

The First Great Awakening is more of a global religious movement that hit all of America, the Atlantic world, and other continents.

What was the Religious revival movement that swept through colonies in 1700s?

The name typically utilized for the religious revival that swept through the American Colonies beginning in the 1730s is "The Great Awakening". As the first of several such religious movements, the Awakening in the 1730s is typically known as "the First".

What movement united colonists who were in other ways diverse?

The Great Awakening

How did Jonathan Edward's church contribute to the first Great Awakening?

Jonathan Edwards' church, the Congregational Church in Northampton, Massachusetts, played a significant role in the first Great Awakening. Edwards preached powerful sermons that emphasized the need for personal religious conversion and a deep, emotional connection with God. His sermons inspired many people in the congregation to experience religious revivals and seek salvation. The intense spiritual fervor spread to other parts of New England and helped spark the broader religious revival movement of the Great Awakening.

Other words for awakening?

Revival. The word enlightenment is used in relation to the awakening of spiritual consciousness.

The most successful revivalist groups of the Second Great Awakening along the southwestern frontier were?

Baptists and mormons (typing in the question with apex in the other window is cheating :) & to prove that point the person above just gave you the wrong answer, and smiled... Baptists and Methodists is the correct answer...learned my lesson

How did the Great Awakening shape American society?

People were actually noticing the freedoms they could have, and doing something to gain those freedoms. Particularly with religion. We are more divided now than before the Great Awakening and more intolerate towards other religions, denominations, people of no-faiths, of different races, cultures, etc.

If your greatgrandmother is his great aunt what is he to you?

If your greatgrandmother is his great aunt then you and he are second cousins, once removed to each other. Your parent is his second cousin.

The second great awakening tended to?

Discourage church membership and promote a more centered, individualized religious experience.Which eventually resulted in the sectional divisions between the three major denominations that developed: Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian. These divisions turned into doctrinal dissent over the issue of abolition and, since this fragmentation was unable to resolve the issue, the nation sought a political solution which of course resulted in the civil war.So the second great awakening tended to kill a whole lot of people during the American Civil War.Referenced from here, among other places...

What is your grandma's other husband's great granddaughter?

second cousin