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Most residential schools in the western world traditionally give students Saturdays and Sundays off from classes. However, rules and schedules may vary depending on the specific school and region.

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Q: Do residential schools have Saturday and Sunday Off?
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What about religion do you think should and should not be permitted in public schools?

Religion should be permitted in public schools in an academic context, such as through the study of world religions for educational purposes. However, promoting or advocating for a specific religion should not be allowed in public schools to maintain separation of church and state. It is important to respect students' diverse beliefs and ensure a neutral, inclusive learning environment.

What is the difference between the way field slaves and house slaves spent their Sunday?

Field slaves typically did not have time off on Sundays and would continue to work in the fields. House slaves, on the other hand, may have had more leisure time on Sundays and could attend church services or engage in other activities.

Should prayers be permitted in your public schools?

The decision on whether prayers should be permitted in public schools is a complex one, as it involves balancing the principles of freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. Schools should be inclusive of all religious beliefs and respect the diverse backgrounds of their students. Offering a moment of silence for personal reflection or providing a designated space for voluntary prayer may be more inclusive options.

Which of Jesus's diciples had their ear chopped off?

The disciple whose ear was chopped off was Malchus, and it was Peter who wielded the sword and cut off his ear. Jesus then miraculously healed Malchus' ear.

In the bible David hit Goalith in the head with a rock What did David do to ensure that goalith was dead?

1 Samuel 17:50, 51 - So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in the hand of David. Therefore David ran and stood over the Philistine, took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it. And when the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled. [NKJV]

Related questions

What are consecutive days off?

Consecutive means one thing following another in a predetermined order. For people working five days a week, Saturday and Sunday are usually their days off. Since Sunday follows Saturday on the calendar, Saturday and Sunday are called consecutive days off. If the following Monday is a holiday, then Saturday, Sunday, and Monday will be consecutive days off. If a person works Monday and Tuesday and has Wednesday off, then works Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and has Sunday off, that person does not have any consecutive days off.

What are consecutive days?

Consecutive means one thing following another in a predetermined order. For people working five days a week, Saturday and Sunday are usually their days off. Since Sunday follows Saturday on the calendar, Saturday and Sunday are called consecutive days off. If the following Monday is a holiday, then Saturday, Sunday, and Monday will be consecutive days off. If a person works Monday and Tuesday and has Wednesday off, then works Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and has Sunday off, that person does not have any consecutive days off.

Is it OK to lift weights everyday then take Saturday and Sunday off?


How many days of the week do children in Brazil go to school?

monday to saturday off on sunday

How many days a week do bakers work?

5 days in one week they get sunday and saturday off

When will elementary schools close for the Easter holiday?

Well Easter is on Sunday so unless your school goes to school on Sunday you will be off.

Is sunday a work day in china?

No. Saturday and Sunday form the weekend in China. However, most lower class jobs in China do not give weekends off.

Should high school have more than 2 days off?

haha i graduated 2011:P but when i was in high school i always thought we should have more than 2 days off Friday Saturday and Sunday or maybe Saturday Sunday Monday because i hate Mondays but anyways yes i agree with you

What are the 3 special days of the week?

For many people, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the special days of the week, because Saturday and Sunday are the weekend, when they have time off, and Friday is the day before the weekend, so in a sense, when they finish work (or school) on Friday, their weekend begins.

What days are Fourth of July weekend?

July 4 2012 is on a Wednesday. Some people will take of Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Less people will take off Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Most Americans will only take off Wednesday (4th). They will work Tuesday (3rd) and Thursday (5th).

What were schools?

Residential schools were isolated schools where aboriginal children were forced away from their families home and culture and were forced to adapt into a white society. these schools were run by the roman catholic church. The aboriginal children who were sent there were often separated by gender, were forced to learn English or french. If they were caught speaking native tongue they would be beaten, locked in closets without food, humiliated, and often were raped. --- Schools where you resided were called Residential Schools. Canada's population was spread across the land and often children had to travel considerable distances to attend school. Residential schools or boarding schools addressed those problems by having children live and often work at schools which were usually far away from home but near major population centres. Today the term usually refers to Canada's aboriginal policy of having racial segregated residential schools off the reserves. These residential schools were run and operated by non-aboriginals and resulted in so much abuse that their history has been apologized for by Canada. We still have racial segregated schools but now they are operated by the Aboriginals themselves and bear no resemblance to the residential schools of the past.

What are the weekend in different countries?

In the United States and Canada, the weekend is typically Saturday and Sunday. In many Middle Eastern countries, the weekend falls on Friday and Saturday. In some countries like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, the weekend is just Friday. Some countries, like Brazil and Israel, have a weekend that includes Friday afternoon and Saturday.