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1) row level triggers can be identified by FOR EACH ROW is declared in the trigger declaration row level trigger is fired internally when any DML operation is occur in in any object like table it will fire for each row example: if any delete statement is occured for 30 records it will fire for 30 times.

2) Statement level triggers without declartion of FOR EACH ROW is statement level trigger is fired for every completion of statement example delete statement is occured for 3o records it will fire after the 3o records have been done

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8mo ago

Row-level triggers are executed for each row affected by the triggering event, whereas statement-level triggers are executed once for each triggering event regardless of the number of rows affected. Row-level triggers have access to the specific row data being modified, making them useful for enforcing constraints or triggering actions based on individual row changes. Statement-level triggers are more efficient for bulk operations or actions that do not need to consider individual row data.

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Q: Difference row level and statement level triggers?
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In a relational database each row is called what?

In a relational database, each row is called a record. It represents a single entity or object, with each column containing specific attributes or properties of that entity. The combination of rows and columns form a table which allows for structured data storage and retrieval.

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The middle candle of the menorah, called the shamash, is used to light the other candles. It symbolizes the idea of spreading light to others and serving as a helper or servant.

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The answer to the riddle is "a chess piece," specifically, the pawn. In chess, a pawn can become a different piece, such as a queen, once it reaches the opponent's back row and promotes.

What are the distinctive features of a Relational Data Base?

Relational databases store data in tables with rows and columns, allowing for efficient data retrieval and manipulation using structured query language (SQL). They enforce data integrity through constraints such as primary keys, foreign keys, and uniqueness constraints. Relationships between tables can be established through keys, enabling data normalization to reduce redundancy and ensure consistency.

A developer of a relational database refers to a field as a?

A field in a relational database refers to a specific piece of information stored in a table, representing a single attribute about an entity. It is the smallest unit of data in a database table and each field typically corresponds to a column in the table.

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What are row level and statement level triggers?

The FOR EACH ROW option determines whether the trigger is a row trigger or a statement trigger. If you specify FOR EACH ROW, then the trigger fires once for each row of the table that is affected by the triggering statement. The absence of the FOR EACH ROW option indicates that the trigger fires only once for each applicable statement, but not separately for each row affected by the statement.

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In Oracle Database, a table can have multiple triggers associated with it. However, each trigger can be of a specific type: row-level trigger (BEFORE or AFTER each row affected) or statement-level trigger (BEFORE or AFTER each SQL statement executed). It is important to manage triggers carefully to avoid any performance issues or conflicts.

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