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According to The Bible, Moses certainly led the Hebrews on a long journey out of Egypt, towards the Promised Land. The Book of Genesis says that only Abraham and Sarah journeyed into the land of the Canaanites, because Abraham was to be the ancestor of the Hebrew people.

From a historical perspective, the answer is no, in both cases. Historians say the story of Abraham is clearly legendary, with no historical basis. The respected Israeli archaeologist, Israel Finkelstein says that over ninety per cent of scholars believe there was no Exodus from Egypt asdescribed in the Bible. The epic journeys of the Bible simply did not happen.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Yes, Abraham led his family on a journey from Mesopotamia to Canaan. Moses led the Hebrews on a long journey out of Egypt through the wilderness towards the Promised Land of Canaan.

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Q: Did Abraham and Moses lead the Hebrews on long journeys?
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moses lead the hebrews out of the egyptian kingdom. your welcome, internet.

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Yes he did (Exodus ch.12).

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God told him (Exodus ch.3).

What made Abraham lead the Hebrews to Canaan?

God's command (Genesis 12:1).

Leader whose descendants were promised the land of Canaan?

Abraham. Moses LEAD the descendants of Abraham to Canaan.

How long did it take for Abraham to lead his people to Canaan?

Abraham had journeys (Genesis ch.11, 12, and 13), but it does not state that he took a wilderness route. In any case, his journeys lasted weeks or a few months - not more.

When did Abraham lead the ancient Hebrews into Canaan?

Traditional chronology puts Abraham's journey to Canaan in 1737 BCE.See also the Related Link.More about Abraham