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churches; crises

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  • Sometimes citizens feel that churches create political crises regarding religious freedom.
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Q: Choose the correct plural forms of the words in parentheses Sometimes citizens feel that church create political crisis regarding religious freedom.?
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Continue Learning about Religious Studies

Was there a difference between religious leaders and political leaders in Egypt?

Historically, Egypt had intertwined religious and political leadership, with pharaohs being seen as both rulers and divine figures. In more recent times, there is a separation of religious and political leadership, with political leaders holding authority over governance and religious leaders presiding over religious matters within the country.

What is a political and religious government called?

TheocracyA form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.Hope this helps!!

How did the religious movement influence people?

Religious movements can influence people by providing a sense of purpose, moral guidance, and community support. They can also shape individuals' beliefs, values, and behaviors, and can sometimes lead to changes in social, cultural, and political dynamics. Overall, religious movements can have a profound impact on the lives and worldview of their followers.

Is the conflict Iraq and Syria religious or political?

The conflict in Iraq and Syria is a complex mix of both religious and political factors. Religious differences and sectarian tensions have played a significant role, particularly between Sunni and Shia Muslims. However, there are also political dynamics at play, including struggles for power, control of resources, and regional influence.

What is the religion of Samuel P Huntington?

Samuel P. Huntington was raised in a Christian family but his specific religious beliefs are not widely known. He was a political scientist known for his work on international relations and political development rather than for his religious affiliations.

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Ometimes citizens feel that church create political crisis regarding religious freedom?

churches; crises

Sometime citizens feel that church create political crisis regarding religious freedom?

churches; crises

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A vizier is a high ranking political (and sometimes religious) advisor or minister. Please correct if indefinite.

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"Danes" are natives and/or citizens of Denmark. The term gives no information regarding a person's gender, occupation, political or religious affiliation.

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It depends on the country political and religious system.

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The three legacies are religious, social, and political.

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Yes, it is an elected theocracy or monarchy so is both religious and political.

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