The best day to worship Lord Ganesh is on Ganesh Chaturthi, which is the birthday of Lord Ganesh and is celebrated with great fervor and devotion. This day falls on the fourth day of the waxing moon period in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada, usually around August or September. On this day, devotees pray to Lord Ganesh for wisdom, prosperity, and the removal of obstacles.
Sunday...Sabath No, the correct answer would be Saturday. The Sabbath is the 7th day of the week. ( Correct answer) Sunday is man's sabbath ( a day made to be enforced by man)/ Saturday is God's ( the day God enforced to be his) The CORRECT answer is..... Sabbath!
The scripture "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" can be found in Psalms 118:24 in the Bible. It is a verse that encourages gratitude and celebration for each new day that the Lord has given.
Sunday obligation refers to the expectation for Catholics to attend Mass on Sundays and certain holy days of obligation. It is considered a significant practice in the Catholic faith to observe the Lord's Day and participate in communal worship. Failure to fulfill the Sunday obligation without a valid reason is considered a serious matter in Catholic teaching.
Seventh-day Adventist Church adheres to worshiping on Saturday, which they observe as the Sabbath day.
Saturday is the seventh day of the week, and is the seventh day sabbath.AnswerTechnically, the Sabbath is from Friday night sundown to Saturday night sundown.
All devout Ganesh followers begin any activity with the invocation of Lord Ganesh. He is the God of Success and the remover of obstacles. A statue of Lord Ganesh is never placed on the floor or near the ends of beds. The statues are always placed at an elevated level. In fact, the best place for the statue is above the front door of one's home. This is said to bring good luck and positive energy. Small Ganesh figurines are also enshrined in the altar at the homes. Ritual worship is offered to such statues every day.
Monday,may be.
Sunday is the day in which people attend Church. This is in commemoration of when He Rose from the Dead (the first day of the week).
Sunday is the day of rest in most western countries, it is a day of worship as Sunday is the Lord's day.
because people poach them for their tusks, which are made out of ivory.
We worship specifically on the Lord's Sabbath. The Sabbath was originally created for rest and worship. The Sabbath runs from Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown.
There is no special day to worship, strict follower of Hinduism must worship everyday. But according to different gods different days of weeks are assigned for worshiping. Such as for lord shiva Monday is assigned.
Ganesh Chaturthi in 1981 was celebrated on September 9th. Ganesh Chaturthi is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity. It is observed on the fourth day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month Bhadrapada, which typically falls in August or September in the Gregorian calendar.
in which month and day did Ganesh Chatuthi was in the year 1945
the lord it says and on the seventh day he restANSWER 2It was the Christian church that designated Sunday as the day of worship, so that it wouldn't be confused with the Jewish sabbath of Saturday. In Judaism, which preceded Christianity, Genesis' seventh day of rest was Saturday.
Well, Hindus are allowed to worship any day of the year. However, there are a few variations, for example: * Some days of the year are more auspicious than others- on these days, certain rituals are to be performed (these rituals vary widely, but most include the chanting of particular "mantras" or hymns). * Some days of the week are more auspicious than others- for example, Wednesday's considered by many Hindus to be a good day to start a fresh endeavour. * Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, and on particular days of the year, homage is paid to particular gods (for example, on the festive occasion of "Ganesh Chathurthi", devotees pray to Lord Ganesh. Well, this might do for starters, but there is a world of detail awaiting to be added to this answer.