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A:There was an ancient Greek belief that each person has a spirit and a soul. This was an idea that early Christians toyed around with, but eventually the consensus was that we have only one, which is usually called the soul.

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The word translated 'soul' comes from the Hebrew 'nephesh' and simply means living thing, the breath of life that is in all man and animals.

Man does have an essence in him which empowers our brain. For lack of a specific term, some call this the human spirit spoken of in Job.

The current ideas of an 'immortal soul' comes from Socrates when in Egypt and fully developed by Aristotle. It is not Scriptural as The Bible says that God can destroy both the spirit and the soul in the 2nd death after the Judgement Process.

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9mo ago

Beliefs about the existence and origins of spirit and soul vary among different cultures and religions. Some believe that individuals are born with a spirit or soul, while others believe that the spirit or soul is acquired or developed over time. It is a deeply philosophical and theological question that has no definitive answer.

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Q: Are you born with a spirit and soul?
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Is the soul and the spirit the same thing?

Opinions differ on this topic. Some believe the soul and spirit are distinct entities, with the soul being the essence of an individual's being and the spirit being the divine aspect that connects to a higher power. Others view them as interchangeable terms referring to the non-physical aspect of a person.

What is born again in the spirit of the lord?

Being born again in the spirit of the Lord is a spiritual rebirth or transformation where one accepts Jesus Christ as their savior and commits to following his teachings. It signifies a renewal of the soul and a deepening relationship with God, allowing one to experience spiritual growth and a new perspective on life.

Is every soul part of the universal spirit?

What happens to the Soul at death? Do we see the Soul leave the body? Although we don't, we know that is what causes death, that is why we cremate or bury a body. Where does the Soul go? If the Soul leaves the body, then it has to go somewhere and it doesn't travel through space to go somewhere. It just merges with the Spirit that is everywhere. The best way to understand how the Soul is a part of the Universal Spirit is to blow air into a balloon. Where do you get the air from? From the air that is everywhere. If you burst the balloon, where will the air go? Into the air that is everywhere. So does the Soul. The Soul is energy, is a power and we can feel that power not only inside us but we can feel that power all around us.

What is it called when you believe everything has a spirit?

The belief that everything has a spirit or soul is known as animism. Animism is a belief system that attributes spiritual essence to all living and non-living entities in nature.

Do followers of kabballah believe some people are born without souls?

No, followers of Kabbalah do not believe that people are born without souls. Instead, Kabbalists believe that every person is born with a soul that is connected to the divine, and it is their life's journey to uncover and manifest the potential of that soul.

Related questions

What is human spirit?

The Human Spirit is that spirit that enters the body of an unborn child just before it is born. It is said that when the child first moves in the womb that is when the spirit enters the child. That same spirit will leave the body at death and return to that home from where first came to await the resurrection, when it will be reunited with that same body. The body and spirit having fulfilled its purpose here on earth. Human spirit is inspired soul. When a child is born, the body is devoid of soul and spirit. However, the child is born with God's gift of ability to think, feel and act. With the Holy Spirit residing in the body, the child begins to fill its own soul and later, its spirit out of the soul.

What are the three parts of a soul?

soul spirit and mind

Is a ghost a soul and a spirit all the same thing?

Yes a soul is the same thing as a ghost and spirit. Once a human is dead their sole becomes alive which makes a Spirit and because a ghost and spirit are the same thing, a soul is the same as a ghost and spirit.

What is a wood spirit?

The soul of wood is called wood spirit.

How is the spirit different from the soul?

our soul is the eternal part of ours which unites us with God. we have a spirit of choice by choosing our actions.

What is a two letter word for soul?

"ki" means soul, or spirit.

Who is the the soul of the church?

The Holy spirit

Do you dream with your soul or spirit?


When is the first time the Holy Spirit came to your soul?

.Roman Catholic AnswerThe first time the Holy Spirit comes into your soul is at your baptism.

What is pneuma?

Pneuma is the spirit or soul - in the belief of Gnosticism, it is one of three levels of a human being - specifically the spirit, as opposed to the body or soul.

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What is the opposite of flesh?

spirit bone soul